How To Deal With The Arrival Of A Little Brother

The arrival of a baby brother can destabilize the other children. It is important to take measures so that they adapt to the new situation.
How to cope with the arrival of a baby brother

When a new baby brother arrives there are always countless changes in family life. Even before birth, parents are paying a lot of attention to it and the other children find it difficult to accept the arrival of a new member in the family.

Older siblings, especially when they are very young, can soon feel all these changes and suffer the classic jealousy when they think that they are being displaced by the new baby. That is why we have to know how to act from pregnancy to be able to help them in this new situation.

Jealousy is a natural feeling that children have to go through. But we can help them overcome them in a less dramatic way. If we take some steps soon, the little ones will bond with their new baby brother and enjoy the new family life.

Keep in mind that each child reacts differently: some start out with jealousy and temper tantrums, others stop talking and still others start to misbehave. It is best to explain to them already in the pregnancy in simple language what is happening to prevent future problems.

It is also very good to include them as soon as possible in the preparation of the arrival home of the new baby brother. We can let them help us paint the wall of the baby’s room with a color chosen by them or take them when we go to buy the crib or the bathtub.

Preparation during pregnancy

It is difficult to explain to children, especially when they are very young, that they are going to have a baby brother. Children cannot understand the reason why their mother is now having another child and they are drowned in a sea of ​​doubts and questions.

A good way to start explaining this is to adapt our comments about the future baby to the child’s language. It is also good to get carried away by the child’s questions and answer them simply but clearly.


Also, you can show him pictures of when he was little and the different stages he has gone through in his development. In addition, it can also help to play with him to think of possible names for the future baby.

Good ideas are also to teach them books with pictures that explain the arrival of a baby at home or make drawings with them about how they see their future baby brother. Children usually believe that babies will grow up and play with them soon and are disappointed when they see that they only sleep and cry in the first few months.

The arrival of the little brother at home

The most conflictive moment is when the baby comes home because everyone focuses their attention on him. The child may think that he has gone into the background. For this reason, measures must be taken to make it easier for him to accept the new situation, such as asking family members to also say something to him, not only to the baby when they come to visit.

Measures for the child to adapt to the arrival of the little brother

One of the best ideas is to spend a little time a day just for him, such as bedtime story time or taking him alone to the zoo or the park.

parents and child

Prepare to ask us one day when to return the child from the hospital. Sometimes they think that it is a temporary situation and that soon their life will be as calm as before.

At that time it is good to explain that the baby is his little brother and is part of the family and that he will not return to the hospital. Little by little he has to accept it and establish a bond of affection with him as an older brother.

You also have to count on him to take a step backwards in stages that have been overcome and ask you again, for example, for the bottle or pacifier. There is no need to worry or berate him for his attitude. Because sooner or later he will surely leave it when he sees that it does not attract attention.

In addition, you have to try to create that bond with the baby, taking care that he does not overwhelm him with hugs and cuddles. For example, to help the baby sleep by rocking the crib and putting on the pacifier. These activities will help you feel useful and accept your baby.

One of the most important things is to be affectionate with both of them and remember that he is still very young even though his baby brother is born. You will see how little by little he will accept him and all together you can enjoy the new family situation.

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