How To Help Children Manage The Stress Of Homework

A good routine and organization, and a suitable environment are key for the little ones when facing school tasks.
Helping Children Manage Homework Stress

In many homes, homework can create really tense situations. After a tiring day, both parents and children feel tired; the time comes to get down to homework and the anger and fights begin. Knowing how to establish a schedule or routine dedicated to homework is difficult. Don’t give up and read on to find out how to handle the stress of homework.

Create the right environment

A clear table with enough space for children to spread out their school supplies and a bright room  are the basic requirements to establish the most suitable environment for doing school work. They do not have to seclude themselves in a room alone. In fact, young children work best in a family environment, such as the kitchen.

Finally, it is just as important to know how to reduce possible distractions : find a quiet place and avoid obvious distractions such as television or mobile phones.

Look for the best moment

Finding the right time is often the hardest part. Some children do better if they take a break or a little leisure time before doing homework. On the other hand, some children prefer to wear after eating or after school, and they make an effort to be able to enjoy the rest of the afternoon as long as possible.

Little girl in her room studying without stress from homework.

It does not matter at what time the children do their homework,  the important thing is that they establish a daily routine, which, according to the psychologist Annie de Acevedo, should be established according to the amount of homework that the children have.

Organization is the key to managing homework stress

Children may feel overwhelmed most of the time because they don’t know how to handle the load of homework. At this point, the help of adults is essential. Knowing how to divide the tasks and plan them in the most appropriate order or use the material correctly are some basic ideas that children should learn from the beginning of the school year.

Resorting to the help of diaries, planners or even applications designed for it are some of the essential planning tools, especially for the elderly.

Facing challenges instead of avoiding them

It is frustrating to face an activity that you do not know how to do, especially for the little ones, who have not yet been able to develop resolution skills. As adults, we must help children develop positive thinking in the face of challenges.

A good way for children to start tackling challenges slowly is to classify school assignments according to their difficulty. On the one hand, they can start with the easier tasks to gain confidence when they get on with the more difficult ones. Or go first with the most complex and continue with the easiest when they are most tired.

Mother and son doing homework in the living room.

Encouraging children helps them manage the stress of homework

You can help children manage the stress of homework by supporting them, both when they are doing their homework and helping them organize, establish the right environment for study, etc.

This also means that they have to be left to do the job themselves. You have to let them ‘fail’, which can actually be quite beneficial for their learning.

What role do parents play in homework?

For Annie de Acevedo, the help and supervision of parents is crucial. Children undoubtedly show more interest in learning if their parents are involved and supportive in school work. Thanks to this motivation, children will perform better at school and will learn to develop good study habits that will foster their sense of responsibility.

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