How To Help Children To Control The Toilet?

Toilet training is something that worries many parents, especially when taking their children to school. In this article we tell you everything you need to know about it.
How to help children to control the toilet?

Putting off the diaper is a slow and often complicated process, both for the child and for the parents and teachers around them. Against everything, there is no exact age when all children should remove their diapers and be able to go to the bathroom alone. Each child is different and acquires their skills at a different rate, so it is necessary to help children to control the toilet.

Although it is true that there is some social pressure when the child starts school at the age of 3, because from that moment on he will be “alone in the face of danger.” Helping children to control the toilet is not an easy task, but with a series of tips that we leave you below, you can progress little by little until you reach the goal.

How to help children to control the toilet?

The obligation of control when starting school

This is actually less worrisome than you might think. It is true that when children enter school they must have acquired sphincter control, otherwise it would be chaos. But the teacher is always aware that the basic needs of the children are well covered, so it is not mandatory that the child go to the bathroom by himself on the first day of school.

Likewise, we must be aware that he is facing a totally new world for him and that his nerves also affect him in the same way as older people.

Teach them basic words and the bathroom

First of all, the most important thing is that the child identifies the words with the actions. You have to teach him what a diaper is, what a urinal is, when it is clean, when it is dirty, what urine is, and so on. In this way, they will be more aware of what they are doing and how to order it later. 

How to help children with toilet training.

Second, you have to show them the toilet and explain that this is the place where they should relieve themselves. The toilet, on many occasions, they do not like at all and that makes them not want to go to the bathroom. In these cases, there are several possibilities to help children to control the toilet:

  • Use a toilet adapter that is appealing to them.
  • Buy them a separate potty (of their own choosing) so that it is more fun for them when they have to use it.

Dress the child in comfortable clothing

Although it may seem like an aspect that is not given much importance, it is when it comes to helping children with toilet training. At the moment when the child is putting off the diaper and begins to go to the bathroom alone, try to dress him, whenever possible, in the most comfortable way possible. 

Using sweatpants or pants that only have an elastic band as a support to pull them down, without the problems of buttons or zippers in between is the best option. This type of clothing should especially be used for school, as it is where the child can be seen with more pressure.

Read diaper and bath stories

Another simple and entertaining method is to discuss the topic with them through the books. Currently, there are many books that deal with the subject of diapers, baths or toilet bowls for children. These stories catch their attention and are etched in their memory, so they will want to look like the protagonists and go to the bathroom alone. If, in addition, we find a book that has sounds, that is pop up or with which the child can interact (pulling the chain, picking up the roll of paper), we will advance much more in the process.

How to help children with toilet training.

Don’t push them

One of the most important things when trying to help children with toilet training is not scolding them (much less yelling) when they urinate on themselves. If the child sees that the parents or the teacher is angry, they will be scared and afraid, so this can further delay the control process. 

You have to transmit tranquility and confidence by explaining that, if they have done it other times, the next ones you can too. In the same way that it is not good to scold them, it is not good to reward them either. Going to the bathroom alone is a basic necessity that they must learn without extra motivation. 

If you are a mother, you will not have privacy even in the bathroom

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