How To Make A Camping Backpack Right

A well-made camping backpack is the basis for the child’s fun during the outing to be complete. Let’s go over how it should be done.
How to make a camping backpack right

Most kids love to go camping. One of the things every parent wants to learn is how to make a camping backpack right. What to bring, what not and who should take care of making this backpack

Let’s see, next, what things must be taken into account to put what is necessary but not more than necessary and so that, in addition, you do not forget anything necessary for that camping backpack.

Investigating the camp

To begin, we need to do an initial survey of the camp. We need to know the characteristics of the place you are going, the weather forecast, the activities that are in the program (swimming pool, hiking, a bivouac night, etc.). Also, of course, how many days will it be?

Normally, from the organization of the camp itself, they will tell you if you have to bring some specific things such as a sleeping bag, mat or flashlights. Once you have all the information, choose a suitable backpack. The best for children are lightweight backpacks with wheels. Do not forget to check that the backpack is clean and in good condition.

How to make a camping backpack right.

List of what to bring in your camping backpack

The list is essential so that nothing is left behind. An example of a general list is this one that we leave you below. Remember to adapt it taking into account the weather and the days of camping. For example, if you are going to have a pool, you should add a pool towel and flip-flops to this list.

  • A hat or cap to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Cotton socks and comfortable walking shoes .
  • If you sleep in a tent, a sleeping bag and warm clothes.
  • Toiletry bag with basic hygiene products (shampoo, gel, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb or brush, sunscreen with high protection, moisturizer, lip balm and mosquito repellent).
  • Bath towel.
  • Pajamas.
  • Parents’ contact numbers (home, mobile and work).
  • Health card, public or private.

If your child is sick, they should bring a health report or a file explaining:

  • What is the treatment and its dosage.
  • Specific care (special food, etc.).
  • Activities in which you will not be able to participate.
  • How to act if an alarm symptom arises and what those symptoms are.

Clothing for camping backpack

All the clothes that we will choose for him (or that he will choose) have to be comfortable, resistant and easy to fasten and unfasten, and to dry quickly. Jeans and cotton are highly recommended fabrics. You have to bring a change for each day of camping and two extra, at least.

It is important to mark all clothing, footwear, toiletries and even personal items, such as a flashlight, water bottle and even sunglasses. It is much more likely that he will not lose anything, since the monitors will always know who it belongs to if he gets lost.

How to make a camping backpack right.

Make the backpack or let him do it?

1 or 2 days before going out to camp (it will depend on how excited they are) we will have the child pack all the items in his backpack. We will teach them to mark each item on the list as they are being put in their backpack.

We can also spend some time discussing the best way to pack everything that is going to take away. For example, what things will you need first? These things must be put last so that they are on top of everything. If the backpack has several pockets, we will decide with it which pockets seem best for certain things.

It is important that the child pack their own suitcase, as they need to know what they are carrying, what their clothes are and where they can find everything. If he is able to go camping, he is fully capable of packing his backpack. We will verify, by the way, that each year you will be more adept at preparing it.

We can, of course, be there as you pack to help you if you need it, give organization ideas and to make sure you don’t forget anything. By letting him do this, we will be educating him to be responsible and take care of his things. Also, when it comes to going home, you will know how to pack everything.

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