How To Make My Child Wake Up In A Good Mood

How to make my child wake up in a good mood

Some children find it difficult to start the day and many times waking them up and getting them back into their routine can be a chaotic process. For your child to wake up in a good mood, it is necessary to review his routines and also the number of hours he is sleeping.

If you wonder every day how to make your child wake up in a good mood, it is best to review their routines. It is also good to take care that the child completes the hours of sleep corresponding to his age, since a child who sleeps little can suffer and make the whole family suffer simply because he is sleepy.

In the same way, it is vital that you learn to recognize the problems that your child may present at bedtime, as solving them will help the whole family a lot, who must understand that the amount of nighttime sleep varies in each child.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that school-age children (6 to 12 years old) sleep 9 to 12 hours a day, and adolescents, 8 to 10 hours a day, sleeping less than that can cause them: irritability, trouble concentrating and headaches, up to hypertension, obesity, and depression.

Tips for your child to wake up in a good mood

A good rest is essential

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You must make sure that he goes to sleep at the same time every night. It is normal that on weekends you go to bed a little later than usual, however, watch out that you do not stay up too late, this will guarantee that you get a good rest, which is essential for you to wake up in a good mood.

Softness and joy

All moms in the world learn to be gentle with their children. Surely, you know how to wake up your child with sweetness. Speak softly to him and when he opens his eyes, give him a smile. Give him time to wake up, about 10 minutes in which he can wake up little by little.  At that time you can leave him in his room with some music and start preparing breakfast or accompany him to help him get up.

Save time the night before

Leaving the clothes that the children will wear and yours prepared from the night before helps you save time in the morning. You can also prepare the children’s backpack and advance breakfast as far as possible; By gaining extra time you will have more time to keep up with the rhythm that the morning requires without losing patience.

“Children of school age (from 6 to 12 years old) sleep 9 to 12 hours a day, and adolescents, from 8 to 10 hours a day, sleeping less than that can cause them: irritability, problems concentrating and headaches, up to hypertension, obesity and depression ”.

Have healthy snacks on hand

To the best of your ability, try to have healthy snacks in the fridge. For example, you can have chopped some sliced ​​or diced fruits, some bread that you can toast and accompany with some cheese and some drink or water. All of this may serve as breakfast for your child when he has to rush out of the house if he is running late.

Don’t harass him

If your child finds it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, try not to rush him so much or harass him with phrases such as: “It’s late, hurry up …”. Try to wake him up calmly and help him go through his routine calmly, without stress.

Learn to identify if your child has problems with sleep

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According to an article from the sleep institute, there are some signs that can tell you if your child is having trouble falling asleep. These are:

  • It takes a great deal of time trying to help the child fall asleep.
  • You wake up several times during the night.
  • Lack of sleep affects the behavior and mood of the child.
  • Parents cannot sleep well due to poor sleep of the child.

This article also explains that the most common childhood sleep problems can be quickly corrected once they have been identified and treated. And that in general, common sense and the support of the pediatrician can solve the problem. Sometimes talking to other parents of children of the same age with the same problems helps a lot.

In addition to treating it gently and arm yourself with patience, it is necessary that you let it rest enough according to its age, since its bad mood can be a product of the lack of hours of sleep, since it is proven that children who get enough sleep work better and they are less prone to behavior problems and irritability.

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