How To Make Your Home A Safe Place For Your Baby?

Your home should be a safe place for your baby and your family. Do not miss these tips to get it.
How to make your home a safe place for your baby?

When the baby begins to crawl or months later to take his first steps, the house becomes a very interesting world for him to explore. Everything catches their attention and safety is not their priority : from wall sockets, television controls, furniture drawers, to the toilet, they represent great enigmas for any baby. Making the house a safe place will give you peace of mind when your child gains independence.

Greater security for greater independence

As your child grows and to avoid accidents at home, we recommend that you put into practice some tips as a protective measure to make your little world a safe place:

Plugs and corners must be covered

You should protect the sharp edges of furniture, as well as all electrical outlets with plug covers. Grounded plugs are safer; in any case, these must also be covered with protectors.

Supervising electrical outlets and plugs when there are children makes our home a safe place

Keep an eye on accessible cables in the house to make it a safe place

Keep anything with a cable out of your baby’s reach, including surveillance monitors and telephones. Bear in mind that any object that requires cables to function is extremely dangerous.

Secure heavy or oversized objects for safety

When a baby begins to crawl, he relies on everything in his power to push himself up and stop. It is for this reason that you should secure the shelves, television and furniture among many other household appliances by fastening them to the floor or the wall.

Controlled entrances and exits to make it a safe place

In addition to the objects that make up the home, it is important to have the entrances and exits of the house controlled:

Close any access to potential danger sites

The garage, basement, bathroom, kitchen, or exercise room are rooms whose contents can endanger the baby . Any furniture containing cleaning products, paints, heavy tools, weights, or chemicals of any kind should be locked.

Teach him to walk safely

When your baby takes his first steps, practice going up and down the stairs with him, showing him that he should always hold on to the railing. Remove any small rugs that could cause slips or falls.

Secure the stairs

If you have stairs in your house, choose to put security fences on both sides, that is, at the top and at the bottom. In case they are accessed through doors, keep in mind that as your child grows he will have the ability to open them without problem. The most advisable thing in this case is to put a safety or a lock on them.

It is advisable to put fences on the stairs to prevent children from falling

Tips to make your home a safe place

Eliminate access to windows

Do not put chairs or furniture in its proximity that allow children to lean out of them. If necessary, you can buy simple mechanisms that block its opening. On balconies, the railings should be high and the distance between the bars small.

Try not to take medicine in front of the child

This is important as they generally have a tendency to imitate older people. And, in case they are the ones who have to take a medicine, never make them believe that it is candy or sweets to convince them.

Other safety tips

In addition to everything mentioned above, you cannot forget the following:

  • Keep objects such as sewing boxes or tool boxes out of the reach of children.
  • Extreme care must be taken with plastic bags. Young children can suffocate while playing if they stick their heads in them.
  • Do not expose batteries, lighters or matches. Also, no small objects such as coins or buttons that can be put in the mouth.
  • Medications should be out of reach or in lockable cabinets.
  • Never leave your child alone when the stove or oven is on. It is preferable that the oven is in a high place, but if this is not possible, try to prevent your child from approaching it when it is operating.
Make sure that children do not go near the stove and the oven when they are on
  • Put anti-skid pads under your rugs. This will prevent children from slipping and falling to the ground if they are running around the house.
  • Make sure the toys are age appropriate for children and do not contain small parts that could choke them.

Do not forget that making your home a safe place will not only benefit your child in his growth, but will also considerably reduce the risk of domestic accidents for all family members.

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