How To Overcome Fear Of Childbirth: Practical Advice

Anxiety and doubts about childbirth are common denominators among many mothers before giving birth. Therefore, below, we offer you some techniques to overcome the fear of childbirth and strengthen your confidence.
How to overcome the fear of childbirth: practical advice

One of the emotional struggles many mothers face before giving birth, whether they are new or not, is how to overcome the fear of childbirth. It is due, in large part, to the fact that labor has forever been labeled a difficult, painful and risky experience for the life of the baby and mother.

However, this assertion is far from reality. Childbirth is an absolutely controlled process and does not represent special risks for mothers who have had a regulated pregnancy.

To ward off your fears, below we will tell you how to combat your doubts by answering the most frequently asked questions; In addition, we will show you some practical relaxation exercises  that completely eliminate any type of anxiety.

How to overcome the fear of childbirth: recommendations

The main thing to overcome the fear of childbirth is to have adequate information about the process of giving birth. Misinformation can confuse us, as can reading or hearing wrong beliefs.

Therefore, it is very important that, in regular consultations with your OB / GYN, you formulate all the doubts that come to your mind regarding childbirth. You have to know that the process of giving birth is absolutely guaranteed by health specialists in all hospitals and clinics in the world.  All of them have the necessary technology to assist the mother and the baby.

In order to help you eliminate doubts, which are the main cause of fear about childbirth, we will talk about some of the most frequent questions in every mother.

Answering the most frequent doubts

About the epidural

Actually, epidural anesthesia is very beneficial at the time of delivery, as it relieves pain in 20 minutes. In addition, it considerably reduces the levels of anxiety in the mother; therefore, you should see her as a great ally during the birthing process.

There are several methods to calculate the possible due date.

Regarding its application, this type of anesthesia is one of the most used for almost all medical procedures. For that reason,  its effectiveness and technique are more than guaranteed.

About episiotomy

The episiotomy is an incision that is made in the perineum area from the back of the vulva to the anus, in order to avoid tearing of the tissues in the mother’s genital area; In addition, the baby is encouraged to come out more easily.

Yes, we know that it does not sound very good, but you do not feel anything when this procedure is performed, since the epidural is previously placed, or failing that, local anesthesia.

About the breaths

As you must have learned in the preparation courses, the breaths are essential for you to be relaxed, so that you can push better and so that the baby is oxygenated.

However, if you are filled with fear and anxiety, if you do not remember the exercises well or if you have simply never attended the courses, do not worry; Along with the medical team in the delivery room there is always an assistant or midwife who will guide you throughout the process. 

Exercises so that you know how to overcome the fear of childbirth

The recommendations for you to relax and overcome the fear of childbirth are super simple; You will see that you will continue to practice many of them after giving birth.

Yoga for pregnant women

You can attend yoga classes for pregnant women. In them, you will  learn traditional relaxation and meditation techniques, while carefully toning the muscles that will be involved at the time of delivery.

Take naps and distract yourself when you need to

Take naps that your body asks for or whenever you feel stressed. When you get enough sleep, it is easier for the body to regain its balance. Similarly, find ways to distract yourself when you feel nervous; enjoy a movie, read your favorite book and join the action with a tea or drink of your choice.

Massages during pregnancy contribute to the release of tensions.


A special relaxing massage for pregnant women can also help you regain your calm. If you cannot attend a spa or masseuse, you can ask your husband or another member of your family to gently caress your feet, legs, arms and hands and the part of your shoulders with some essential oil.

As a final recommendation, always try to enroll in pregnancy preparation courses.  Apart from learning everything you need for childbirth, you will be able to interact with other mothers and their experience and that will help you to be calmer.

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