How To Pack Your Backpack For Hiking

Don’t let it happen to you! Avoid unnecessary forgetfulness to have a fun walk with the children thanks to these tips to prepare the backpack for hiking.
How to pack your backpack for hiking

A walk in nature requires prior preparation and knowing how to pack a backpack for hiking is part of it. Avoid unnecessary forgetfulness and write down everything you need to know.

Hiking to enjoy with the family

The first hikers were naturalists and scientists for research purposes. But from the twentieth century the discipline became popular and added the sporting and recreational purpose, defining itself today as an outdoor sport that takes place in natural environments that have no apparent danger.

It is a beneficial activity for the body and mind. Thus, “Research shows that hiking has a positive impact on combating symptoms of stress and anxiety,”  says Dr. Gregory A. Miller, Executive Director of CREST – Center for Responsibles travel.

Girl hiking in the mountains.

In this sense, hiking requires the following actions:

  • Plan a safe route.
  • Respect the environment throughout the tour.
  • Do not use motor vehicles.
  • Use orientation devices.
  • Bring an excursion backpack with the necessary equipment.

This last point is the main topic that we are going to talk about, so let’s go to a detailed explanation of it.

What must be taken into account when preparing the backpack for hiking?

To be able to choose the things that you are going to take, the first thing is to know how many days, where and how many adults and children are going to go on the excursion. With these data, you can begin to organize what items you will carry and how you will order your backpack. To do this, keep in mind the following tips that will facilitate the process.

Choosing the right backpack for hiking

The capacity of the backpack is the measurement that allows you to know how much you can carry in it. There are models of 18, 20, 24, 30 and up to 70 liters, but how are they different?

If you are hiking from late spring to early fall, when temperatures are still pleasant, an 18-liter backpack will probably suffice.

But if you go with two children, increase to one of 24 or 30 liters. Choose hiking backpacks with several pockets and extra spaces to store different items (glasses, water bottles, insect repellent, etc.).

Suitable clothing

To select what clothes to wear, check the weather forecast and bear in mind that, if you go to the mountains, the conditions are highly variable (the higher the altitude, the lower the temperature).

Choose to dress in layers with lightweight, breathable fabrics. Bring a waterproof jacket to wear over it, which is comfortable. For boys, wear the same type of clothing.

Good water supply

It is estimated that, for a half-day excursion, you have to bring a liter of water per person (whether children or adults) and an additional liter if it is hot. Even if they tell you that on the way you have access to a water source, do not be overconfident. Always carry your full water supply.

Enough food when preparing the backpack for hiking

Outdoors and walking, your appetite is “waking up” and having snacks available will save the day. Carry cereal bars, nuts, crackers and dried fruits in your backpack. Also, bring lunch foods that are easy to handle, such as sandwiches and fresh fruits (apples or oranges).

Important extras

You do not have to forget insect repellants, accessories for sun protection (glasses, hats, sunscreen) and a first-aid kit with basic elements such as alcohol, cotton and bandages. Other extras are hand washing soap, a pocket knife, maps, a compass and a mobile phone with a full battery.

Smart organization

When preparing the hiking backpack you have to optimize the space to the maximum. Store in the outer compartments the things you need to have easily accessible without having to remove your backpack (water bottles, mosquito repellants, maps, orientation devices, etc.).

Boy who knows well how to pack his backpack for hiking.

At the bottom he places the clothes; If you go out for several days, store the extra change in an airtight bag so you don’t run the risk of getting wet. Next, arrange the food packages and then the waterproof jackets.

The greatest weight has to be on the body of the backpack that will fit in the center of your back and allow you to walk comfortably. Distribute the rest in the pockets so that the weight is balanced so that the backpack does not slide to one side or the other. Use the compression straps to adjust or loosen for maximum walking comfort.

Family outing: how many backpacks do I bring?

Family outings require more careful planning, depending on how many members are going on the excursion. For example, to load the things of 4 people, the most convenient thing is to distribute the greater weight between the adults with two medium backpacks (20 to 30 liters). Children can carry their own backpack, but you must bear in mind that what they carry cannot exceed 10% of their body weight.

In short, preparing an excursion backpack is a task that you learn with experience, but this simple guide will be useful if you are going to organize your first family outing to nature. To enjoy!

Going camping with the children, quite an adventure!

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