How To Treat Children’s Allergies To Pets?

How to treat children's allergies to pets?

Most children are fascinated by animals, because of their peculiarity, their fur, the sounds they make, their color, in short, any identifying characteristic. And although it is good that parents promote this contact with nature, we must be aware of the possibility that they suffer pet allergies.

It is an immune reaction that is awakened by the presence of factors such as animal dander, urine, feces, saliva or hair. Regarding this last point, the experts assure that although they are not allergens  par excellence, this tends to retain dust, pollen or mold, which are more dangerous for the little ones in the house.

When a child susceptible to these elements comes into contact with them, the immune system is activated immediately, releasing a hormone called “histamine” and almost 40 powerful chemicals, which will help fight the presence of the enemy as soon as possible.

Faced with this scenario, the nose and respiratory tract will become inflamed, giving way to the following symptoms: watery eyes, frequent sneezing, watery nose, constant cough, wheezing when breathing, among others. In infants, if the causative agent of the allergy  rubs on your skin, it can cause rashes and hives.

Pet allergies: how to identify them?


On many occasions, recognizing pet allergies is not an easy task, because there are millions of elements that can cause a similar reaction in your little one’s body. 

According to the American College of Allergies, Asthma and Immunology , children can show symptoms of allergies to pets when they are away from home, reaching the new environment through clothing.

On the other hand, it is difficult to try to rule out that the reaction was caused by a cat or a dog  If you just take them out of the house for a little while. To check it in this way, you will have to keep it away for a considerable time and do a deep cleaning in your home.

If you are still not sure that the presence of an animal is causing this problem, you should ask a specialist for advice to find out what is happening through skin tests in which they inject a small dose of allergens.

Is it possible to prevent them?

Unfortunately not.  The scenario worsens when you or the father are allergic to an animal, so he would be genetically predisposed to present this problem. In this case, it is best to wait until he is at least six years old. This will prevent the reactions from being strong and having irreversible consequences.

Hypoallergenic pets?


So far, experts have not been able to come to a conclusion about what pets are  that can cause more allergies. With regard to dogs, people tend to think that short-haired ones are less dangerous, but what really causes problems are the scales on their skin.

As for cats, veterinarians agree that any breed is capable of causing an allergic reaction. Feline dander is difficult to remove because it is smaller compared to dog dander, so it can travel longer distances.

In the case of rodents (such as hamsters) they are not recommended for children because, as they are usually caged, they cannot avoid stepping on their own secretions. The reptiles should not be with children either because they are transmitters of a bacteria called Salmonella .

Undoubtedly, it is difficult for a child not to want to play with their pet, but you must establish certain rules ; how to prevent them from entering the rooms. You should also perform deep cleanings to reduce the risks they represent.

Having a pet is a wonderful thing, little by little, it will become a member of the family. However, you also have to be responsible and teach your children that by taking care of them, we can all be safe.

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