I Am Your Baby And You, Mom, Are My Habitat, My Food, My Everything …

I am your baby and you, mom, are my habitat, my food, my everything ...

For your baby you are his habitat, his little and magical universe, you are his food, his refuge and source of affection with no expiration date. You, are everything and he, in turn, fills your reality with joys and hopes, with dreams and emotions that you have never felt before.

According to a work published in the scientific journal “LiveSciencie”, motherhood is a unique and exceptional biological moment for many reasons. So much so, that most of the time we cannot guess how many changes take place inside us, in our body, in our brain and even in our way of seeing the world.

However, and this is important to bear in mind, the father is also very sensitive to this key moment in which he knows that in a short time, he will have a new life in his hands. All these events, curious as it may seem, are not always inhabited by the feeling of joy.

According to Dr. Mary Kimmel, director of the Perinatal Psychiatric Inpatient Unit and professor of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, something many moms experience when they are pregnant is fear. They wonder if they will be able to with everything, they fear for their personal and financial stability and even many times, they worry about whether the relationship with their partner will last or not, and if she and her baby will have the support of the family, of the friends…

The fact that we are everything to that baby, instantly, excites us and immediately the shadow of concern appears. You should know that thinking about all this is normal, logical and even normative. Having a child implies not only responsibility, it implies having courage and knowing that we will face life even in the most difficult times. Because you are your little one’s habitat, his home, his refuge, his link with the world …

I am your baby, I grow inside you, I feel your emotions… So don’t be afraid

Do not have it, do not fear the future mother, because your present, your here and now is full of happiness and hope. Do not let fears and insecurities grip your heart, because that stress that we sometimes experience as mothers reaches the serene world of the uterus, because the cortisol in the blood will at some point impregnate the amniotic fluid.

Not only what you eat serves as food for the fetus, what you feel , what you live, what you laugh and what you cry also travels to it in the form of an echo, in the form of nutrients and invisible caresses with which the day is gestated. to day and instant to instant your growth.

So remember mom, your baby wants you to be happy. He wants you to wake up to life every day with a thousand projects, with a thousand ideas, challenges and hopes. She wants you to always be you, that brave woman who is capable of facing everything, that beautiful woman who is very clear about what she wants and what she does not want for her son.

Always remember that the person who takes care of himself every day, who takes care of his emotions and his psychological well-being, can always give the best to his children.

You are my house, my home and you will always be my refuge, mom

As they say, we carry our children 9 months in our womb, 3 years in our arms and our whole lives in our hearts. We are your home, we were in the past and we will always be. Thinking that is not falling into overprotection or linkage toxicity. Because the wisest home is the one that has its doors open, the one that leaves its inhabitants free to leave when they want, and to return when they want to.

However, something that as parents you must remember is that home will never be as important as when our children are young. They are those years in which the bond must be built, that stage in which exogestation is maintained for a couple of years after birth.

Because babies need our most physical closeness at this stage, because our skin, our caresses and our words continue to form an invisible uterus where we continue to grow until it claims freedom, independence, movement …

Remember it well, even if your little one can’t tell you yet, you are his everything. You are his food, his warmth, his lap where he can sleep, his chest on which to grow and mature… So do not hesitate to take care of yourself, be happy, be brave and stand up as the kind of person your child wants and deserves.

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