Ideas To Surprise Your Children With The Pérez Mouse

If the Pérez Mouse is about to visit your children, do not miss these ideas with which you will make them enjoy like never before.
Ideas to surprise your children with the Pérez Mouse

One of the magical moments for children is falling teeth. It means that they are getting older, that they will soon have new and permanent teeth and, most importantly, that the Tooth Fairy will stop to pick up his baby tooth in exchange for a gift.

So that they live this in a special way, we are going to give you ideas to create the necessary environment so that you can surprise your little ones. You sign up?

Tooth after dental avulsion.

The origin of the Pérez Mouse

There are different traditions around the world with the loss of teeth. While in England and the United States the Tooth Fairy is in charge of guarding the teeth of the world’s children, in Spain, Italy, France and Latin America it is a mouse that has this task.

But what is its origin? The first time the Ratoncito Pérez appeared was in 1894, when the Jesuit priest and writer Luis Coloma was commissioned by the Royal House to create a story for King Alfonso XIII, who at that time was 8 years old and had recently lost a tooth.

In a short time, the fame of the rodent crossed the borders of the palace and became known to all. In 2003, the Madrid City Council decided to pay tribute to this little mouse by placing a commemorative plaque on Calle del Arenal, the place where Father Coloma located the character’s home. The plaque can read: “Here he lived in a box of cookies in the Prast Ratón Pérez confectionery, according to the story that Father Coloma wrote for the child King Alfonso XIII.

Ideas to welcome the Mouse Pérez

Next, we are going to propose some ideas that you can prepare your children to welcome the Tooth Fairy when a tooth falls out. They will love them!

A visit to your own home

In Madrid you can visit the house of Ratón Pérez. It is a museum with guided tours in which children have a great time. The place is full of magic and it is a good way for the little ones to let themselves be invaded by the illusion of the moment. On their website you can take a look at schedules and rates.

A door tailored to the Pérez Mouse

There are real wonders if you walk on the net. We have found some miniature doors  made especially so that our little friend can enter the houses more easily.

For example, there is an English door with a lintel and fully hinged. It also has a doorknob, mailbox or knocker, and a door number. It also includes a fabric doormat and a basket of milk bottles, ideal for decorating the little ones’ room.

A very special story

There are many stories about the Pérez Mouse, but the Fantastic Story of the Pérez Mouse , from the Beascoa publishing house, seems wonderful to us. A gift-book-box that tells how a fairy convinced the little mouse to collect children’s milk teeth. This edition includes the following elements:

  • Die-cut characters.
  • The scene of a house with 4 rooms.
  • A board book in which the story is told accompanied by beautiful illustrations.
  • 5 good tips to follow when a tooth falls out.
  • A bag to keep the tooth under the pillow.
  • A sign to guide the Tooth Fairy to your room.
    Girl waiting for the Pérez Mouse.

A box to keep the teeth of the Mouse Pérez

Of course, a special box should not be missing to protect such a treasure while Mr. Pérez arrives. There are many models, formats and of different materials and colors depending on your tastes.

You can also do it with your child and spend a fun crafts day. Take a look and choose the technique that is easiest for you, which can range from transforming a matchbox to creating an origami …

In short, the arrival of the Pérez Mouse is one of the events that your children will not forget. So make it special with one of these great ideas that everyone will enjoy.

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