Is It Possible To Breastfeed My Baby If I Am Pregnant?

Is it possible to breastfeed my baby if I am pregnant?

Breastfeeding a baby when you are already pregnant with another is a fact that surprises many, but it is a reality for some. If the former conceive the process of breastfeeding, the intimate relationship they have with their child, without any “interference”; the latter do not experience the same.

The times when you breastfeed your baby are more dynamic; and while they change it from one breast to another, no matter how much they want to concentrate only on the process, the one who lives inside their belly reminds them, with delicate little kicks, that sooner rather than later it will also occupy a place in their breasts.

In this amalgam of sensations, these mothers may wonder: is it good to breastfeed the baby if I am pregnant again?

Breastfeeding and pregnancy: is it healthy for them to coincide?

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When asked if it is possible and healthy to breastfeed, both for the woman, the baby and the unborn child, we answer:

Yes, it is possible and healthy. As long as Mom takes the necessary steps, none of the three “involved” will suffer any type of risk.

What are the precautions that I should take?

Breastfeeding during pregnancy can be difficult. Pregnancy reduces the production of breast milk, therefore, if you are pregnant again and you are in the middle of breastfeeding, you need to drink a lot of fluids, water, especially.

Being well hydrated will make your breasts have the necessary amount of milk for the child you are breastfeeding and inside your womb, the baby that is in full development, will also enjoy the hydration it needs.

And isn’t it better to wean the baby as soon as possible?

If your pregnancy is normal, you don’t have to wean your other child. Breast milk is necessary for it to meet its nutritional needs and provide it with antibodies to defend itself against pathogens; Breastfeeding helps you feel protected, loved, and makes you happy.

Even if your other child worries you, you should also ensure the health of the one in your arms. Only if you are at risk of premature labor or any other abnormality, and your OB / GYN tells you, should you stop breastfeeding your baby.

Once I give birth, who has priority when it comes to taking milk?

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Until a while ago it was said that breastfeeding should be exclusive until 6 months of age. In some countries this period has not changed, but in many others it has been extended and specialists advise prolonging exclusive breastfeeding until the first year of life and combining it with solid foods from that moment on.

Your two children have an equal need for breast milk. Neither should be ahead of the other. You only have to combine the process according to the nutritional needs of each one.

The newly born baby only feeds on breast milk. You should breastfeed every three hours or so and you will shorten the period if he suffers from hiccups or if you notice that he is asking you.

Your other baby should be close to the first year of life if he or she isn’t already.

At this time, surely you have already incorporated solid foods into your diet: porridge, juices, fruits or bread, among others. However, while still a baby, she needs to continue nursing from your breasts for all that breastfeeding offers her and also to, as is popularly said, finish filling her tummy.

Does tandem breastfeeding harm any of my children in any way?

Simultaneous breastfeeding commonly called tandem breastfeeding does not harm either baby, on the contrary, it benefits them.

It is said that the affective relationship between the two, both now and in the future, may be greater than in those siblings who did not share their mothers’ bosom.

On the other hand, it has been proven that children who share their mother’s breast gain more weight in less time, when compared to those children who did not have siblings to share breastfeeding.

This is possible because the production in the breasts increases in line with the suction of the nipple. Two children demanding milk produce more than one.

Having said all this, we can only conclude: whether or not to wean your baby when you find out that you are pregnant is left on your own.

Breastfeeding is also nourishing the soul, sheltering the heart ...

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