Keys To Educate Happy Children With Emotional Intelligence

Keys to educating happy children with emotional intelligence

Throughout my life I have read hundreds of experiences of people who have given up vices such as alcohol, drugs or tobacco, but who say that on their way to being better people, what has cost them the most is changing personality traits and control your emotions.

And it is that controlling emotions is one of the most difficult things in life. And we all agree that it is not pleasant to be around someone who does not know how to control them. As we want our children to be wonderful beings that everyone adores and that leave their mark in life, we are going to talk to you about how you can educate them with emotional intelligence.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, assimilate and control our own emotions or those of others by developing our intellect and emotional state. Then, using that information that we have received, we can use it to channel our behavior on the right track.


What does emotional intelligence entail?

Know your own emotions

It is vital that we know how to recognize our emotions, because that way we can know what we feel and how to deal with it. This will help us make good decisions.

Manage emotions

We all feel anger, love, frustration, and other emotions. Whether positive or negative, all emotions have both sides of the coin.

For example: love is a beautiful quality, but poorly managed it can lead us to obsession and break good relationships with others.

To control emotions, or eliminate the negative aspects of them, it is vital to calm down, calm down and think before speaking or acting. That’s where emotional intelligence comes into play.

Self-control and contentment

It is essential to control impulses and know how to wait for what we have won with our effort. Even if the prize is less than we thought, settling is a good sign of emotional intelligence.


Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the place of another, so this implies perceiving their feelings and needs and with it, acting to help them.


How to educate children with emotional intelligence?

As we have always said: “words move, but example drags.” Therefore, you must lead by example. If you want your child to have emotional intelligence, know how to control emotions and be an adult that everyone loves, respects and admires, you must first learn to control yourself.

Remember that children are like sponges that absorb everything regardless of whether it is good or bad, since they do not even have criteria to judge it. Therefore, if you get carried away by emotions and are impulsive, it is very likely that your children will copy that example.


But there are other ways you can help them:

  • Make him understand. It doesn’t matter if he gets angry, yells or anything else. Sit back when everything cools down and let him know what he’s been feeling, what has led him to it, and why indulging that feeling is bad. Then help him find a solution to act differently the next time he finds himself in the same situation.
  • Help him control himself. Put hypothetical cases similar to real situations that he has lived and have him come to the conclusion about what the consequences would be. That will make him meditate and think before acting one way or another.
  • Make him have goals. Teach him to be disciplined and persistent, to assume his responsibilities.
  • Teach him to be sensitive to others. Help him develop his empathy by making him understand how he would feel in the same situation that the other person is going through. Help him learn to feel the pain of others in his heart.
  • It is essential that you develop your social skills. He must teach himself to relate to others and to realize what he is doing wrong and to solve his problems. If you always take the chestnuts out of the fire, they will never know how to face the consequences of their actions.

    Emotional intelligence is vital for our children to be good adults, but like everything else, education in this must also start at home and from when they are little.

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