Kusi Wawa Method To Calm Colic In Babies

The Kusi Wawa method combines the 5S theory and the application of heat to the baby’s stomach.
Kusi Wawa method to calm colic in babies

Colic in babies is usually one of the most common problems, since they cause great discomfort and annoyance for the little one. Lacking a quick solution to alleviate it on many occasions, the Kusi Wawa method was born.  We tell you what it is next.

The Kusi Wawa method is a technique that, combined with the theory of Dr. Harvey Karp to treat infant colic and the application of heat in the abdominal area, has been the solution for many mothers.

What is the Kusi Wawa method?

This treatment was created by Meritxell Vinyas, who, faced with her baby’s annoying colic and the despair of not being able to help her, combined the theory of Dr. Harvey Karp exposed in his book The Happiest Baby in the Neighborhood  with a little heat in the abdominal area. of the little one. With this, he managed to calm her down in no time.

In an interview, Meritxell Vinyas explains that her daughter was born in the United States, where she learned about Harvey Karp’s theory. However, he would not apply the method until a trip to Peru, where he made the decision to name it.

Kusi Wawa is a Quechua term, from the ancient Inca people, and it means “the happiness of receiving a newborn baby in the family.”

Colic in newborns can be alleviated with some massages.

What is the Kusi Wawa method?

The Kusi Wawa system is applied with three products that act in a complementary way. They are divided as follows:

  • Wawa pajamas: It is the first thing that the baby is put on. It is a 100% organic cotton pajamas and has a device that guides parents to fix the Wawa band in the correct position.
  • Wawa band: It is a cotton band that is placed on the baby’s tummy to apply heat; It also includes a cushion of seeds and herbs, which uses thermotherapy and aromatherapy.
  • Wawa wrap:  Also made of cotton, it is placed by wrapping the baby.

How is the Kusi Wawa method applied?

This technique is quite simple to apply and requires a series of steps for each of the products. If you do not have the Wawa pajamas, you can use the baby’s usual pajamas.

These are the instructions to follow to apply the technique, which you can also see on video:

  • Put the wawa band around the waist of the baby fastened the pajamas; you must close it with the velcro over her belly.
  • Remove the heating pad and microwave it for about 20-25 seconds, preferably in an 800-watt microwave.
  • Before placing the cushion in the pocket of the wawa band, check that the bag is not too hot. The heat helps regulate intestinal transit and aromatherapy relaxes the baby.
  • Begin to apply the theory of the 5 S: It  begins with swaddle — it means “wrap” in English—, and this is exactly what you should do with the wawa wrap. Wrapping him up gives him security and helps calm him down.
  • Then, apply the side or stomach, which involves placing the baby on his stomach or side, and then move on to shush , which consists of calming the little one with a constant sound.
  • In the last steps, we find the swing, which is applied by gently rocking the baby while you continue to perform the previous actions.
  • Finally, the suck is applied, which is nothing more than placing  the pacifier to help calm him down.
The colic of the newborn generates a lot of crying in the little ones.

A recommended method

As confirmed by the official website of the Kusi Wawa method, this technique has been widely endorsed by the Spanish Association of Infant Massage (AEMI). They even began to adopt it as a complement to massages to relieve the little ones of gas and colic.

In addition, as highlighted on its website, other important organizations such as the Catalan Pediatric Nursing Association (ACIP) and experts in the area such as Amelia Hunter, Certified SleepConsultant and expert in children’s sleep, have also endorsed the method.

Every baby is different and some practices may work better than others, so you can even vary the forms applied in this method, such as making different sounds or rocking it more slowly. Ultimately, the fundamental thing is to adopt techniques that can alleviate the child’s discomfort.

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