Language Learning In Adolescence

It is proven that young children are capable of acquiring 2 or more languages ​​simultaneously. But during adolescence it is also possible to learn languages, and the advantages that this implies are numerous.
Language learning in adolescence

We live in a globalized world where mastering a second language is more than an option, it is an unavoidable requirement. It is necessary as a family to consider this very important issue, without giving much thought to the myth of not having taken advantage of “the best stage” to induce another language to our children. Language learning in adolescence is possible and highly meaningful. The key is wanting to do it and wanting it. Next, we will tell you the reason for the importance of using a second language

Why should a teenager learn another language?

The answer is very simple: because the development of economic, technological, social, political and cultural integration among countries today requires it, and it is called globalization. In simpler words,  learning a new language for a teenager will open doors to the future, provide both academic and professional advantages, and allow them to be more socially competitive.

It is never too late to learn a language if you feel like it.

Importance of learning a language in adolescence

We know that learning a new language is not easy, it takes time and money. But more than thinking about the cost,  we must analyze the importance of learning an additional language sooner rather than later.

Today, everything is well advanced, teenagers embrace the digital wave and companies are not far behind. From lower-ranking franchises to large franchises, they are projected internationally, so they require qualified personnel who are capable of communicating with people from another country.

Now let’s reflect a bit, who will they choose first? The individual who must study the language or the one who already masters it? The answer is obvious, bilingual speech has become one of the most demanded requirements in the professional field.

Benefits of language learning in adolescence

If you are a teenager or a parent with teenage children, it will encourage you to know the benefits of language learning at this stage. Analyze them with determination!

  • It will give you a greater chance of acquiring a scholarship.
  • It will make you more competitive.
  • You will be able to climb professionally and perform in positions of greater social relationship.
  • It will improve your memory and this will   allow your brain to be stimulated in a positive way.
  • You will increase your self-esteem and self-confidence as you overcome the complexity of grammar.
  • You will expand your language and investigate that of other cultures.
  • Traveling will not be a problem for you.
  • You will be able to receive and support foreigners who visit your country and even serve them if you wish as a tour guide.
It is essential to learn languages ​​in a globalized world.

What does it take to learn a new language in adolescence?

As we have already mentioned, the essential thing for effective adolescent language learning is to get the urge and control the anxiety of wanting immediate results. The suggestions that we will give you below may help you:

  • Choose the right method.  Today there are many encouraging and useful ideas, such as online classes, books, recordings, cards, videos, personalized oral classes, etc. The range is very extensive.
  • Do not be ashamed, it is normal that at your age you do not want to be ridiculed. But it is also normal not to pronounce correctly the first days. If they laugh at your mistakes: laugh with them!
  • Try not to make your learning sessions long and tedious. It is better little time and more understanding than little understanding and a lot of time wasted.
  • Keep in mind that learning another language is compared to learning to swim. You don’t learn to swim just by reading a book. You have to get into the water and splash around. It is  practice that makes perfect.
  • Aim to gradually reach a series of weekly or monthly goals, so you can evaluate your progress.
  • Once you start to know the language, give yourself a try. Try to strike up a conversation with a foreigner and you will discover your good investment.

Above all, keep in mind that language learning in adolescence is possible. There is no age to stop learning and educating yourself. Of course, not all of us do it at the same pace, patience and perseverance should accompany you in the challenge of mastering another language.

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