Learning To Be A Mother Without My Mother

Although the teachings to be a good mother are usually passed down from generation to generation, some do not have that luck. It may be difficult, but not impossible.
Learning to be a mom without my mom

The transition to motherhood is not easy, there will always be unknown things and fears during this stage, and in this process future mothers often turn to those who carried them in their womb and gave them all their love. But what if she is gone? When the time comes, a long journey is experienced, that of “learning to be a mother without my mother”.

Without a doubt, living a pregnancy and later discovering that world of being a mother without your greatest example or guide can be a bit intimidating, Well, the ideal is that the grandmother helps in this stage.

It is a mother with her wise advice who can calm another who goes through something that she has already overcome.

Learning to be a mother is not a career or subject taught at the university, it is a knowledge that comes from experience, from trials and errors, from successes and mistakes, and when in this transformation you are with a mother, the crossing is more bearable.

The role of a mother in the life of her daughter who is about to bring a child into the world is crucial, as it turns out to be her greatest point of support.

Faced with a certain discomfort or condition, the one who is usually consulted first is mother, because with his words and teachings he manages to go from a state of total anxiety to one of complete tranquility very quickly.

When you are a mother and you have to learn by yourself all that this implies it’s so hard not to miss mom or wish that everything were different, but for some it is a reality with which they must live. Next we will describe some tools to learn to be a mother without a mother.

How to deal with the absence of mom at this stage?

Hand of a mother with her baby

It is practically impossible not to want a mother to accompany you throughout the pregnancy and the phases to come. Being a mother without a mother is not an easy task, for memories and longing for his presence become our daily bread.

As is known, not missing mother is impossible, it is necessary to learn to honor her in the best way: remembering how much they loved each other when they were together; this is a valuable tool during this journey

A daughter will always have multiple questions whose answers she will want to hear from her mother, but to honor that absence it is best to always move forward. Move forward and put into practice how much was learned of her to overcome her absence.



Some recommendations to be a mother without the company of a mother

  • Enliven the memory of your mother, always stay with the good but do not let the feeling of not having her overwhelm you. Life goes on and your offspring needs you strong and focused.
  • In certain situations you can think: “What would mom do in these cases?” Believe it or not, if you listen to your instinct and that inner voice, what you decide to do will almost always be the right thing to do, the right thing to do.
  • Cultivate the memory of your grandmother in your children, this is an excellent way to pay tribute to her and not forget her. Tell your little ones what you liked the most about her, what her favorite activity was. Remember that grandparents do not die, they become invisible.

Loving advice for you

Other tips for you:

  • Even if you don’t have your mother with you, you will surely have the advice of your grandmother, mother-in-law, aunt or a sister. Learn to listen to them, because although it will never be the same, these words are also loaded with love and of a mother.
  • Revive it with your example . Well they say that parents are the main examples of their children, apply this to your family life and you will be honoring it.
  • Cultivate the habits of a happy mother, your mother was with you, so the most certain thing is to be you too. Be happy and your children will grow up happy, surrounded by love and strengthened by your teachings, values ​​and principles.
  • It is not bad to resort to the hands of an expert if you consider it necessary from time to time, a therapist, pediatrician or family doctor can provide important and useful recommendations for raising a child.

Every mother leaves a legacy to her children and as women it is our duty to spread it and wear it with pride and courage.

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