Maisy, A Funny Character From Children’s Books

The protagonist of our article today has all the necessary characteristics to enchant the smallest of the house
Maisy, a funny character from children's books

Maisy Mouse is one of the children’s literature characters most loved by children’s audiences. Next, we will discover more about this character who makes such good moments pass as a family through his fun and simple stories for the smallest of the house.

Who is Maisy?

Maisy Mouse has all the necessary characteristics for children to include her among their favorite literary characters. First of all, Maisy is an animal, more specifically a mouse. In addition,  children love that the characters that are animals are humanized, that is, that they perform actions the same as people.

These two characteristics are the ones that best describe Maisy, as she is 4 years old, lives in a colorful house and we even know that her birthday is February 10.

Such was the success of his books that even in 1999 the first season of the television series that starred Maisy was made.

Characteristics of the books

The success of this charming character has led to the number of books currently making up 54 in this collection. Being written by a British author, all of them have been translated into Spanish.

Maisy, a funny character from children's books.

The physical characteristics of this collection of books make them ideal for the smallest of the house: from babies to children of four or five years, depending on the learning of reading. Its cardboard format and the pages that are easy to feel and move, make it possible for them to discover the book, the story and the illustrations themselves.

However, due to the simplicity and simplicity of its short and not very abundant paragraphs, it is an ideal collection for the little ones to learn, develop and read in another language as basic today as English when translated of this.

Illustrations from Maisy’s books

Another feature that stands out in this book collection is its illustrations. As they are specialized books for the little ones, it is these images that should be striking so that children develop their imagination and can create stories and understand its development through drawings.

These illustrations are characterized by their striking colors, but also by their simplicity. Each of its pages includes illustrations that are not very overloaded, since the importance of these resides in that children are able to identify all the elements that are in them. In this way, they will also identify the theme of the story, since the elements of the illustrations always refer to the title.

Maisy’s book themes

Learn and discover, these are the two goals of the books in Maisy’s collection. Each of his books uses a different and very simple theme for children to learn and discover new things.

Different cultural spaces, such as the library or the museum, means of transport, such as the bus or the plane, hobbies, such as playing football or cooking are some of the themes used in these books.

These titles also include some essentials for classroom-related learning, such as learning to count, learn colors, animals, the alphabet, or clock times.

Types of formats

We previously talked about discovering being one of the goals of these books. For this reason, in addition to the cardboard format, there are two other formats that will delight the little ones.

Maisy, a funny character from children's books.

First,  some of these books contain flaps and sliding windows that children can interact with to further immerse themselves in the story. Some of the titles that contain these additional features are:

  • Where’s Maisy?
  • Maisy goes to school.
  • Where does Maisy live?

Secondly, one of the formats that children and not so children like the most, and that is ideal to enjoy with the family, are pop-up books . These rise and acquire shapes that will fascinate the little ones and will make them know everything in much more detail. Some of the pop-up titles are:

  • Maisy’s pirate ship.
  • Maisy’s house.

Now that you know a little more about the books of this nice character, do not hesitate to show them to your children and delight them with literature in a fun, simple way that will also make you enjoy a beautiful moment with your family. .

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