Mom, Teach Me To Fight For My Dreams

Mama teach me to fight for my dreams

Mom, I just ask you one favor: teach me to fight for my dreams. Show me the importance of chasing ideals. To embrace my ideas with passion. To forge convictions with the strength of my hopes and dreams. That is all I want to be that good person that you always wanted to form.

Dear mommy, it’s certainly not everything in life comes down to grades. They are simply a numerical value. A merely symbolic question. My future does not consist of a simple note that I tend to classify. I don’t want comparisons either.

My value is not measured by what some parameters mark. What really matters is my interest, my integrity and my desire to continue learning. To really know the things that others ignore.

Well, my goodness, after all there is only one truth. You are the one in charge of building my future. You do it so well that, with total certainty and conviction, I can affirm that there will be no better future for me. I love you mommy, and I appreciate everything you do every day for me.

Teach me to fight for my dreams

Teach me since I was little to fight for my dreams so that, when I grow up, I will come out and eat the world. I will snatch my deepest longings, I will lash out at life itself. If you do, then as an adult I will continue to be that pure and innocent being, who will continue to believe with all his might in the world.

It is that, Mom, in this way I will be able to work for what I want. Motivated, motivated, with faith and hope. Only in that way will I not limit myself to simply fighting for a salary. I will have a star to guide and direct me along the path of my life. Night to night, day to day.

Boy with camera

That dream will be my reason for living and fighting. I will get up at each fall to try again, until exhaustion. Instill in me a vocation, a hobby that drives me to continue. Conditions and circumstances will not matter. There will be   no kind of limitations or barriers.

The key to fight for my dreams

The key to fighting for my dreams lies in a few must-have seasonings. They are as necessary as they are indispensable in order to move forward. Annihilating fears, dispelling fears. Permanence, perseverance and persistence must prevail over any obstacle or obstacle.

Goodbye to discouragement, there are no impossibilities. There are only wings that will allow me to fly. Believe in me, trust my potential. Embrace and take care of my being, promote my personality and self-esteem. Feed my independence and my freedom daily.

Convert me over time into a strong, powerful soul. There are no weaknesses. Explain to me everything I will need to dream this magical dream, which is the reason for my life to continue dreaming. Action and reaction, but above all, a structure. There is no room for makeshift plans when it comes to imagining big and building walls.

Above all, I need to believe. It carries a certain amount of optimism and a mind that is as cool as it is positive. To do this, I need the temperance and tenacity of the distinguished stubborn beings who made history. Finally, all desire begins with wanting it insistently, but also fighting.

A sky of stars to fight for my dreams

Nina running through a happy meadow

I give you each of my dreams so that you can take care of them and protect them forever. Do not forget that my deepest desire is a star capable of giving life to an entire constellation. My future. The path will thus be made up of a set of bright and flashing lights.

They will light the way forward. The clouds that cross my path don’t matter. I know that they will always be there to guide and enlighten me. That way, mommy, I’ll get to my destination. To that long-awaited and long-awaited goal. And that, mommy, will be my mission in this life: to fulfill my wishes to live life to the fullest.

Therefore, beautiful heroine of my days, I ask you once more. Teach me to fight for dreams and ideals. For a better future that allows me to be a better person. To travel through this world honoring life. Simply, to be happy and full. Thanks mom, I know you do it better than anyone!

A child is a vessel full of dreams

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