More Than One Baby On The Way. And Now What Will I Do?

This is a surprise that can have a bittersweet taste. Have you ever wondered what you would do in this situation? Don’t worry, in this article we will give you some recommendations.
More than one baby on the way.  Now what will I do?

If it is already certain that you will bring more than one baby into the world, you should know the care you need to maintain during this special pregnancy. In this article we have a compilation of some exclusive tips for you in this beautiful but delicate moment.

It is important to know that multiple pregnancies must be carried out with great care in order to preserve the health of both the mother and the babies that come.

Women with multiple pregnancies may be prone to problems with high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia;  However, if they are controlled medically, these do not present major risks to the health of the mother or the babies.

More than one baby on the way and you don’t know what to do?

You were surely surprised by the news if your multiple pregnancy happened naturally, and more than happy if you had difficulty conceiving. In any case, it is good that you know the care you should have so that your pregnancy passes in the best way.

Already a single or simple pregnancy requires care and periodic visits to the obstetrician to carry out pregnancy controls, in multiple pregnancies these measures or controls are more frequent in order to diagnose any type of eventuality in time.

A single pregnancy generally has a low risk rate, as opposed to multiple ones because the reduced intrauterine space increases the risks of premature birth.

Preterm labor is one of the biggest concerns for both obstetricians and expectant mothers.

Recommendations for coping with a multiple pregnancy


It is undoubtedly important to invest in the best professionals for your multiple pregnancy, such as  locating a good neonatologist who will emotionally help you feel calm before and after your pregnancy.

Direct and close contact with the obstetrician-gynecologist is important for you to feel comfortable, there must be a lot of empathy between you and your doctor. 

It is necessary that once you notice any change in your body, moods, appetite, etc., you inform your doctor, perhaps he can recommend some exercises, medications, vitamins or hours of sleep among other things for your wellness.

Every time you have any doubts or questions, call your doctor, he will be able to channel any anguish, resolve your uncertainties and will keep you informed of any event that could happen to avoid surprises.

In order not to stun him with your thousands of doubts, you can contact him to make small inquiries through text messaging or through email.

Take care of yourself when more than one baby is on the way


It is essential that you understand that by taking care of yourself you will be taking care of your babies, so refrain from being in problem places, read a book and enjoy the quiet things that you like to do.

Eat well. A good diet based on proteins, calcium and carbohydrates will help babies gain weight correctly and considerably, however, and without excesses, give yourself healthy tastes so that you maintain an adequate weight gain.

Your diet should be supplemented with vitamins as long as your doctor advises it. Iron and folic acid, in this type of pregnancies, are also recommended.

During the first months it will be good for you to exercise as long as your doctor is aware, the sooner you start the better it will be to strengthen your back and legs when you must gain weight in proportion to the growth of your little ones.

More tips for you

Use the weight band, this will help the weight of your belly not impact directly on the back and thus avoid cramps or unpleasant pains.

Always keep company, staying alone is not optional. You must have the possibility to appear at any time or moment in the clinic, get the disposition of someone who can drive to take you to the place you have destined, in addition to offering you their company.

Perhaps in the last weeks you will need a person to facilitate the basic needs that you cannot fulfill alone, such as bathing, because they may recommend complete rest.

Remember that all that care will be rewarded with the angels that you will bring into the world.

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