Movies That Teach Children A Love For Animals

Love for animals is one of the most important values ​​that we must teach our children. With these movies you can do it in a fun way.
Movies that teach children the love of animals

Childhood is one of the best vital stages to acquire values. This is because children are like sponges and absorb all the knowledge from the experiences they live. Teaching the little ones the love for animals will make them more empathetic and supportive people.

Transmitting values ​​should not be a serious, formal or boring task. Children are capable of drawing the lessons from everything around them. So just watching you treat animals with love and respect will make him want to imitate you.

But, in addition, certain recreational activities can help us in this mission. Watching movies with the family is one of children’s favorite hobbies, having the attention of their parents while they entertain themselves and explore wonderful stories makes them really happy. And what better than learning and having fun at the same time?

Why is love for animals important?

  • Animals are living beings. They have needs and feelings just like us and, for this simple fact, we must respect and honor their existence. They are not objects, they are not toys, they are beings that deserve to be treated with dignity.
  • They teach us about unconditional love. If we give ourselves the opportunity to meet them, the animals will show us what loyalty, friendship and affection mean. They have pure feelings and do not know resentment.
  • They help us regulate ourselves emotionally. The company of animals has the power to help us rid ourselves of harmful emotions. Whether you are sad or afraid, his very presence will change your mood towards a more positive pole.
    Movies that teach children the love of animals.

    Movies that teach love for animals

    Now that you know the great benefits of loving and sharing life with animals, we are going to talk about some of the best movies to teach the little ones love for these little friends of other species.

    A couple of three

    In this film,  a young married couple decide to incorporate a puppy, Marley, into their lives  before daring to take the leap of being parents. Before you know it, the puppy will have turned into a 45-pound dog that will make your life crazy.

    Marley will accompany them during the next stages of their life, filling the whole family with love and fun, which is growing.


    This Disney classic tells the story of an orphan boy who is found and adopted by a gorilla after being abandoned in the jungle. He will grow up happy with the animals until an expedition of explorers reaches the jungle. Tarzan will discover who he really is and will have to decide what his world is.

    This movie shows how human cruelty and greed can harm animals, while kindness and respect can save your life.

    Always at your side Hachiko)

    This moving film is based on the true story of a college professor who decides to adopt an abandoned dog. It is a story about unconditional love and the deepest fidelity. Whoever really loves you is always looking for you, always waiting for you.


    Ferdinand is a kind and good-natured bull who is ridiculed by other bulls for not being aggressive. After being adopted by an affable man and his daughter, Nina, Ferdinand finds himself caught again by his captors, who wish to sell him to a bullfighter. Ferdinand will not stop fighting to get back to Nina.

    Movies that teach children the love of animals.
    © Blue Sky Studios, 20th Century Fox Animation, Davis Entertainment, Sholastic Entertainment

    This story shows us the cruelest and kindest face of human beings, and teaches us to respect life above traditions.

    Other movies that teach love for animals

    One more of the family

    After being abruptly and unjustly separated from her owner Lucas, the dog Bella flees trying to return to his side. The road will not be easy, as you will have to travel 650 kilometers and overcome innumerable obstacles. However, the love she feels for Lucas will give her the strength not to give up until she finds him again.


    Both the Disney original and the recent Tim Burton adaptation are a clear example of what circuses with animals mean. Through Dumbo’s suffering, after being separated from his mother and used to raise money, we can understand that no entertainment is valid if it involves harming other sentient beings.

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