My Best Career In Life: Being Your Mom

Being your mom has taught me things that I could not learn at any university. Thank you son for teaching me to enjoy life and showing me what love is.
My best career in life: being your mom

Technical, undergraduate and graduate degrees. Does not matter. Well, even having reached the most rewarding goals and having the best professional and academic tools, I can affirm it. My best career in life is, without a doubt, being your mom.

Of course, achieving the title of much dreamed of was an extremely rewarding experience. Because finishing the chosen career that you are so passionate about is no less than fulfilling a great dream. To be the winner, conqueror of objectives.

However, believe me son, of all the careers that I have followed and of all the titles that give me the most pride, I do not choose those awarded in institutions. University, institute, tertiary, whatever. Nothing compares to what you learn at street university. Or rather, the university of life itself.

It is that not only parents we have a lot to teach children. That is just a myth spread by a very biased adult gaze. Because, in reality, children also become our teachers. Yes, even though they are so young, they have so much to teach us.

Being your mom has taught me endless lessons

Being your mom was the best career I could have chosen. Without fixed class schedules or an organization of subjects, you have been willing to teach me too much. About this crazy world that surrounds us, about the mysteries that this magical and amazing life hides.

You taught me the way life deserves to be lived. Also to value the happy moments that are offered to us, and to overcome those trifles. To smile just for pleasure, to live each day as if it were the first and each night as if it were the last.

You explained to me with facts what love consists of, and how joy can take its toll. I understood by your side that we are instants. And that in our passage through life we ​​leave indelible marks. In the form of human life, in the form of bequests, of inheritances not necessarily material.

I understood by your side what complicity and good company are. The value of silences and the weight of our own words. I was even able to appreciate, thanks to you, how healthy it is to have a confidant. And how beautiful life can be with cataracts of love and affection.

By your side I learned to cultivate patience and temperance. I knew how to sow in me and in you seeds of perseverance and tenacity. In this way, I learned to fight for our dreams with the audacity of millions of warriors.

Being your mom is a treasure

Being your mom is a gift of life, perhaps the most precious. It is a precious treasure and best of all, it is all mine. For this I feel lucky and blessed. It is so gratifying to see you grow, teach yourself and be marked by all that genuine childhood wisdom …

Nourish me with your very particular conception throughout your upbringing. The possibility of seeing everything through the innocent eyes of a child. Pass through the sieve of the freshness of the creatures each of your occurrences and laugh until your belly hurts.

Allow yourself to go back to childhood, to let your imagination and creativity fly. Make up games, words and situations. And enjoy the simplest and simplest things. To be happy with very little, to feel lucky with hardly anything. Create, believe. In short, somehow, to be born again.

Thank you son

Give me fidelity to myself every day. Be genuine. Flaunt brutally pure sincerity. Absorb the purity of the noblest souls. For all this and for much more son, I can only thank you. For everything you taught me over the years.

For all these teachings are the divine treasure of your growth. It is that all these virtues are not taught in any of the schools and universities that I have stepped on. Because nobody has been able to give me as much as you do every day.

And, fundamentally, because there is no title that gives greater satisfaction than being your mother, nor greater pride than having a son like you. You are my greatest and most remarkable feat. My best career and my best title, I love you so much, sweetheart!

Being a mother is a wonderful gift

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