Online Activities For Children During Quarantine

We leave you in this article a brief compilation of websites where you can find activities for children to do and have fun during these days of confinement.
Online activities for children during quarantine

During the state of alarm, the internet and social networks are a fundamental strategy to find entertainment options for children. Thus, in addition to the most recognized sites, such as Netflix, with its catalog of movies for the little ones, or YouTube Kids , parents have at their disposal many other online activities for children so that they can be distracted and learn new things about various topics.

Online activities for children: games, crafts, curiosities and workshops


SportisLive is a free service for the little ones and their “parents” to play with the entertainers and with the activities they propose. Thus, through videos uploaded to Facebook, YouTube or Instagram, the animators share crafts, curiosities, and various games.

Bambalina Station

A designer and web developer on her page, Estación Bambalina , offers parents and children a compilation of 70 easy ideas to play with children at home. Thus, children have the possibility of doing super fun activities to better spend their time in this quarantine.

Cooking Malaga

This is a space that is generally characterized by giving cooking workshops, both for adults and children.

But, as in these days of quarantine everything has been interrupted, Cooking Málaga offers, both on its Facebook profile and on YouTube, very educational and fun videos on how to prepare delicious recipes.

Family cooking thanks to the online activities for children offered by Cooking Málaga.


In Pipoclub there are many children’s games created by children from all over the world. In addition, many games are free and available in an online version , for download, in Apps  or on physical media.

Circus workshop

On the website of Alquimia Circus , a company of circus artists, parents and children you can find a fun juggling workshop. In this workshop you can not only learn how to juggle, but also how to build them.

Culture and art activities for children

Virtual visit to the Carmen Thyssen Museum in Malaga

The Carmen Thyssen Museum in Malaga offers families a participatory itinerary aimed at children from 6 to 12 years old. This itinerary allows you to take a virtual tour of the different rooms of the museum, enjoy the works exhibited in each of them and, in addition, do related educational activities.

These activities are grouped according to the ages of the children. That is, activities for children from 4 to 8 years old, from 7 to 12 years old and from 13 to 18 years old.

In addition, this itinerary will be active until June 7, and on the same page of the museum you can access the virtual tour and download the educational materials corresponding to the activities according to each age group.

Virtual visit to the Prado National Museum

This museum has enabled an online visit for children. It is a children’s itinerary in which children can listen to audios about each of the paintings. Or discover the techniques used by the artists in each of the works, accessing videos of them.

The Prado Museum.

Art for children at the Picasso Museum in Malaga

This museum in Malaga also wants to bring art to children during these days of confinement. Therefore, on its website, it  offers families various artistic activities to do from home.

Help and reinforcement with homework

We must not forget, among all online activities for children, those related to formal school learning. In this sense, considering the suspension of the classroom activity motivated by the state of alarm, and to facilitate the study of children, we share some useful websites.

We learn at home

The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP), in collaboration with Radio Televisión Española (RTVE), has launched an initiative aimed at students between 6 and 16 years old: “We learn at home”.

Thus, through a special five-hour-a-day programming, educational content will be broadcast from Monday to Friday, both on La 2 de TVE and on Clan TV. These contents are organized, at different times, according to thematic areas and age ranges of the children.

EduClan à la carte

The children’s network of Radio Televisión Española (RTVE) has launched an educational tool during the preventive closure of schools: EduClan. Also in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, and with the help of various publishers, it offers quality educational resources to children between the ages of 3 and 10.

Image of EduClan, the initiative for learning during quarantine in which online activities are proposed for children.
© Spanish Radio and Television Corporation 2020

Primary World

This website is the largest free educational portal in which countless games and educational resources are shared so that children between 3 and 12 years old can learn in a fun way during this confinement.


An extensive collection of language, math or drawing activities is presented in various YouTube videos . Thus, parents and children will be able to learn and review contents of Early Childhood Education and the first Cycle of Primary.


Duolingo is a website for free language learning and level certification. It is an application adapted to all levels for children to learn and exercise other languages.

Activities for children to enjoy stories

Amazon audiobooks

The widely recognized Amazon website, during these days of confinement, has decided to make available to families a selection of audiobooks for children and tweens. The audiobooks are free, they are in different languages ​​and can be accessed both from the computer and from a tablet or mobile phone.

Thousand Tales

In Thousand Stories, parents and grandparents can make children’s stories with sound available to their children and grandchildren, and narrated by children.

Mother and daughter watching storytelling online during confinement.

The story “Elena in quarantine”

We have already listed several online activities for children during this quarantine. However, we would like to recommend a last one, as it is advisable to pay attention and enjoy the story Elena in Caurentena and the mission to defeat the coronavirus and boredom .

It is a story written and illustrated by Natalia Manchón Muñoz and Beatriz Canseco de la Rosa, and whose objective is that, through the activities in the book, children have a fun time and better understand the emotions they are feeling in this strange situation than we are living.

To end…

As we have said, we cannot argue that the use of the internet and social networks in these times of confinement are a good tool to better cope with quarantine.

But we want to remind parents about the risks of the use and abuse, of social networks and technological devices, and the damages that this can entail for the integral development and for the health in general of our children.

Recycle through learning, educational activities for this quarantine

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