Painting Stones: Original Crafts For Children

Painting stones is a very fun and at the same time relaxing activity for children, since it takes them away from television and on-screen games. Perfect for the holidays, for a rainy day or just to change the routine.
Painting stones: original crafts for children

Perhaps you think that painting stones is not a craft for children today, who spend several hours a day staring at a screen. However, it can be an excellent idea when we are on vacation, when the rain does not allow us to go out to the park or if you are trying to not be so ‘technological’. In this article, we give you some more than original ideas.

How to paint stones: crafts for children

When we have some free time, parents want to take advantage of it with our children. That means taking away their mobile, computer or tablet and organizing other plans, such as going to the park, the beach or taking a ride in the car.

However, sometimes certain situations frustrate our plans and we have to find alternatives for the children to entertain themselves. For example, if there is a storm, if the power goes out, if we are on vacation in a cabin in the country or simply if we want to spend quality time with the family.

Painting stones can be a more than interesting option, since there are crafts for all ages. Your children will bring out their artistic gifts and you can reduce stress and return to childhood. The stones can be put together on an excursion or even bought to be all the same. We are going to comment on some fun and original crafts with this material below.

1. Paint monsters

If you liked movies on this theme or if there is a game that includes monsters, you can draw your favorite characters with stones. It is quite simple: first, using a brush and an acrylic paint, the stone is painted in a color, such as red, yellow, orange or light blue.

When it dries, we glue one or two moving eyes on it — you can buy them in craft stores — and with a marker we draw the nose, mouth, teeth, and whatever details we want on the face. Once finished, we can invent a game or story that includes these funny monsters.

2. Paint family members

Using a very fine brush or marker, we can paint stones for each member of the family. We will allocate a stone for the father, another for the mother and one for each of the little ones in the home. We can also include pets, grandparents, cousins ​​or whoever we want.

Crafts are great entertainments for 2 year olds.

It’s a great idea to create an original family tree! Do not forget to add the distinctive features of each person: if he wears glasses, if he has a mustache or beard, if his eyebrows are thick or if he has a piercing in his nose.

3. Dominoes for painting stones

Painting stones is not an activity that ends when the piece is dry and ready, but can be the starting point for many adventures and fun afternoons. For example, we can use stones that are similar to each other to make the dominoes.

First, you will have to paint them with different colors, without any rule or sequence. When they have dried, with a black marker we make a vertical line in the middle and then the points that serve to designate the numbers.

The domino has 28 tiles, divided into two spaces with scores ranging from zero – empty – to six. The combinations of numbers can be made following the original game tiles or assemble them as we wish.

4. Cars for painting stones

Little ones love having colored cars to play racing with, but sometimes they have so many that they no longer pay attention to them. We can paint cars in different colors and then add the details to them : two circles for the wheels, a semicircle for the lights, two gray or white windows …

Then it’s just a matter of assembling the track or the road and creating the games that most entertain your children. Guaranteed fun! Another option is to make different cars —for example police, ambulance, bus or firemen— and build a whole city with stones. Some may be the houses, others the traffic lights, the gas station or the hospital.

Crafts for kids are a great way to spend time with the family

5. Magnets

Painting stones is a very fun activity, surely you have noticed. However, it can also be quite useful. For example, you can create magnets for the fridge or for a magnetic board in the nursery.

First of all, choose light and small stones. Then paint them however you like the most and, when they are dry, add a magnet to the back. The magnets can be used to leave papers with messages, the shopping list or the activities that each one must do. Finally, do not hesitate to paint stones with your children as soon as they have free time. It will be a very fun and enriching activity for everyone.

The best crafts for children

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