Parenting Is Like A Dance: Dance With Your Child To The End!

Parenting is like a dance: Dance with your child to the end!

Parenting, like life itself, is a dance. Yes, although it sounds crazy, they are practically the same. There will be different rhythms, slower or faster. Crazier or more peaceful dances. Some steps can be taken forward, some to the side and many others backwards.

However, the most important thing about this parenting dance is simply learning to dance as you go. The ultimate goal pursued? Nothing but to do well in order to shine. Shine for our children and allow them to shine for all of society. Well, a well-raised child is the best inheritance you leave to the world.

Yes, raising your child is like a dance. Perhaps the most beautiful of all the ones you are going to dance in your life. You decide how and where to follow it. It is a dance team where both must follow and share steps, consensually. And you, will you dance with your son to the end?

Parenting, a particular dance step by step

In this dance that is upbringing, each one must respect the times of his partner to act. Thus, there will always be someone to guide, you. Meanwhile, it will be your child who will be guided and will follow the steps set. And there the dance begins.


You take the first step, the child responds. After he advances in his mission, you will be the one who must respond. This dance has a great peculiarity. There is not a single guide here, although most of the time one has the last word.

In this case, sometimes you can guide yourself and other times your child. Well yes, there are many things that we can learn from the youngest of the family. It is always good to give them their place and be ready to listen. Empathizing to understand them is essential.

Not to be distressed by an eventual misstep is about. To become great, they must know how to deal with frustration. Even the key is to learn from every mistake. Materialize each fall into an advance in the parenting-dance that you carry out with your child.

The dance of parenting, a matter of rhythms

However, there is no dance partner that achieves the mission without adhering to a basic rule. Every mother who forms this wonderful artistic duo for children must respect a time. You cannot take steps out of rhythm, and that is the complexity of this discipline.

You can set the times yourself right away. However, as time goes on, you will begin to notice the pace that your child can handle. If necessary, slow down your steps. If it becomes precise, choose a slower style of music to dance to.


Well indeed, to be able to dance this dance of upbringing you need a good observation. It is the main characteristic of a good dancer and a good mother. As well as listening is absolutely necessary.

In this way, the needs of your child will be understood to be able to give everything in this party of life. Give it the prominence it deserves, don’t suffocate or invade it. Give him the most necessary freedom of movement to move around the track.

He will learn to move like a fish in water. It will develop fully, with autonomy and independence. Show him how well you can do it, thereby nurturing his self-esteem. Just nourish your personality. In short, prepare him so that he can set up his own dance company with his family in the future.

Change hands in the parenting dance

As the years go by, you will begin to notice that the dance begins to mutate. Well, one of the most difficult entrances in life is approaching. The change of hand, that is, the change of partner. That hard but rewarding moment where you come to take your partner out to dance, today turned into an older person.

It is time to let go of that hand, to leave it in those that you consider most noble to start a new dance. But we mothers know well that this hand only looses physically. Well, the threads of the heart will make every moment of that parenting dance forever immortalized in the soul of your child.

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