Parents Who Delay The Incorporation Of Solid Foods

There is no scientific evidence to support the delay in the introduction of solid foods in the baby’s diet.
Parents who delay incorporating solid foods

Many parents decide to delay incorporating solid foods, usually as a precaution, but sometimes this process can take too long. The main reason why it has been recommended that the introduction of complementary feeding be delayed is to protect children (under six months) from the allergens present in certain food groups.

However, recent studies assure that this practice does not reduce the risks that children will suffer from allergies in the future. So far, the World Health Organization itself has recommended that the initiation of feeding with solids be limited until after six months of age, which is why the delay has been justified by the experts.

However, today it is beginning to bet on the opposite. Scientific literature defends the use of “baby led weaning” as a means of adapting babies to food. This technique could improve the health of the child in the medium or long term as well as improve the quality of their diet in the future.

Sometimes the fear of starting this feeding stage can cause it to be delayed a little longer. Not knowing what food to give or how we should prepare it, could limit many parents to act at this time in their little one’s life.

Why should we not delay the incorporation of solid foods?

Complementary feeding is mandatory at a certain stage of the baby’s development, because as the child grows, their nutritional needs also increase. Delaying the start of this type of feeding could impair proper growth. However, the recommendation of the experts until a few years ago was due to the idea that breast milk will provide the child with all the nutrients it needs in its early stages.

To prevent children from suffering from allergies, it is common that the omission of certain foods is recommended. However, there are no studies that support the delay in the administration of these foods with the aim of minimizing autoimmune responses.


Based on data from specific studies, breast milk can provide sufficient immune and allergy protection.

Experts from the “Neuherberg National Research Center for the Environment and Health” have found that there are no proven advantages over delaying the incorporation of solids into the baby’s diet.

Benefits of not delaying the incorporation of solid foods

A baby who is exclusively breastfed for at least six months will receive all the benefits of this feeding for the appropriate time . If breastfeeding is prolonged, the baby will receive greater protection, but will no longer receive the additional nutrients it needs according to its growth stage.

There is no medical evidence that alternating breastfeeding with solid foods causes childhood obesity, for this reason it is a practice that can be done safely. However, it is important to remember that a baby has nutritional needs according to his age, so the food measures must be appropriate to his weight.


There are also no notable differences between babies whose solid feeding was delayed and those who received solid feeding after six months. The only advantage that delaying solid food can have is to reduce the risk of choking. However, this situation is unlikely if the child feeds under the supervision of his parents.

The only apparent benefit in terms of delaying complementary feeding was the possible reduction in suffering from skin eczema, according to some experts. In this sense, the risks of suffering from this disease are reduced following the WHO recommendation. Everything else is the same in either case.

To keep in mind!

Despite the fact that there is a notable lack of studies that support the delay in the administration of solids, the recommendation remains that babies be fed exclusively breast milk for their first six months of life.

There are no proven benefits of delaying solid eating. Today it is even doubted whether this situation can be detrimental to the development of autoimmune diseases. However, the best solution is always to listen to the experts.

Enzyme content of breast milk

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