Recipes Rich In Carbohydrates For The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

Carbohydrates are essential in any diet and, even more so, for those women who are pregnant. Do you know these recipes that we present below?
Recipes rich in carbohydrates for the first trimester of pregnancy

There are many preconceptions about carbohydrates, especially during pregnancy. But the truth is that these are essential because they provide energy to the body, and the mother will need it to deal with the symptoms of pregnancy.

Despite this, its consumption must be balanced, and that is why we wanted to bring some recipes rich in carbohydrates for the first trimester of pregnancy. Of course, we have taken into account that they were the healthiest options and that they provide the necessary nutrients for both mother and baby.

Carbohydrates in pregnancy

Carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. You should focus on complexes, since foods that contain them provide more minerals, proteins and fibers for you and the baby . Although there is no exact recommended amount, according to nutritionists they should make up an average of 50% of the total daily energy.

Among them are: vegetables, brown rice, dried legumes, potatoes cooked with skin, whole grain bread and the f routes .

On the other hand,  simple carbohydrates are less recommended. These nutrients are associated with an increased risk of obesity, especially in sedentary people. This is stated by a study published in Advances in Nutrition.

3 wonderful carbohydrate-rich recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy

For the preparation of the following recipes, the following aspects should be considered in women during their first trimester of pregnancy:

  • You should only gain 500g to 1.5kg in weight.
  • Your  digestive system will slow down a lot.
  • Food must be highly nutritious, to achieve greater absorption of nutrients.
Knowing if you are ready for motherhood will save you anguish and worries in that period.

High-carbohydrate breakfasts

The following carbohydrate-rich recipe options for the first trimester of pregnancy will give you enough energy for the day:

  • Milk or yogurt with whole wheat toast with a touch of oil and natural tomato.
  • Rye bread, natural tomato, avocado and oil with yogurt or milk.
  • Milk or yogurt with cereal bread and cooked ham.

Dairy at this time of day is essential to improve bone health. In fact, regular consumption of calcium from milk-based products has been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Carbohydrate-rich lunches

This meal must be very complete, therefore, the following options are ideal for lunches. Although you can also include it in your dinners.

Pasta with broccoli and sesame in sauce

These two foods have a very important contribution of folic acid, broccoli is a vegetable that should be eaten lightly raw or cooked. Sesame is a seed that contains minerals and phosphorus and zinc.


  • 250 g of pasta.
  • 1 small broccoli.
  • 1 clove garlic.
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame.
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • 1 onion.
  • 100 g of ricotta cheese.
  • Pepper to taste
  • Mint leaves.


  • Boil the pasta and, once it is ready, reserve.
  • Cut the broccoli into florets, cook and reserve.
  • Cut the onion into julienne strips and sauté it with a tablespoon of oil.
  • Whisk in the garlic, lemon juice, pepper, oil, mint and finally the sesame. When a fine and uniform paste is achieved, add the cheese.
  • Finally, in a large frying pan, mix the already sautéed onion, pasta and broccoli so that the flavors are unified.
  • After a few minutes serve and add the sauce.
Pasta with broccoli is a recipe suitable for pregnant women.

Zucchini, emmental and wheat germ coca

All the ingredients in this recipe contain a very important contribution of folic acid and vitamins.


  • ½ kg of pasta.
  •  1 zucchini.
  • 20 cherry tomatoes
  • 4 tablespoons of wheat germ.
  • 4 tablespoons pesto sauce.
  • Salt to taste.
  • 100 g of mozzarella.
  • 50 g of emmental cheese.


  • Heat the oven to 180 ° C.
  • Then, wash all the ingredients to start slicing the zucchini and cherry tomatoes into 2 pieces.
  • Once ready, in a bowl combine and season the zucchini, tomatoes, wheat germ and pesto sauce.
  • Spread the dough on top of parchment paper on a tray.
  • Pour the contents of the bowl over the dough, add the Emmental cheese and mozzarella.
  • Bake for about 20 minutes. Once ready, let it rest, cut into pieces and serve.

Prepare healthy recipes with carbohydrates

These 3 recipe options rich in carbohydrates for the first trimester of pregnancy  will serve as a guide to make your own recipes or snacks with other ingredients.

Remember to include complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables, as in addition to providing you with energy, they can help you reduce some annoying symptoms of the first trimester.

Do not forget, of course, to avoid ultra-processed foods with a high content of added sugar as much as possible, since these are not good for your health.

Healthy recipes for the first trimester of pregnancy

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