Rock, Paper Or Scissors: A Short Film To Prevent Bullying

Rock, paper or scissors is a perfect short to develop the emotional intelligence of the little ones by teaching them to reject bullying.
Rock, paper or scissors: a short film to prevent bullying

Bullying is based on psychological, physical and emotional abuse carried out among students at school. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to instill certain values ​​in children from an early age. Therefore, in this article we propose a short to prevent bullying .

The animated short film that we recommend is called Piedra, papel o scissors . This video is ideal to better understand the phenomenon of bullying.

Audiovisual media as a tool to prevent bullying

Through bullying situations, the aggressor tries to intimidate, reduce, subdue, flatten, intimidate and emotionally and intellectually spend the victim in order to dominate, subdue, attack and destroy others.

Image of the short film Rock, paper or scissors to prevent bullying.
Android promotional campaign.

In this way, the harasser, many times, obtains the recognition and attention of the rest of the companions, coming to assume a relationship model based on the exclusion and contempt of others.

Therefore, the bullying is a form of school violence produced extreme form, we must try to prevent something from home and from school. For this, educational audiovisual media can be used. These allow children to directly visualize the consequences of bullying and, thus, empathize with the victims who suffer it.

Rock, paper or scissors : a short film to prevent bullying

On the internet  there are many videos that deal with the problem of bullying, among them is the short Rock, paper or scissors . As the title itself indicates, the three protagonists of the story are a rock, a paper and a scissors. These don’t have much in common, at least apparently.

The three characters are harassed by different bullies, so they decide to steel themselves and help each other to confront the attackers. Thus, the power of friendship, companionship and union wins out over violence. This short animated short, lasting one minute, perfectly expresses the ability of children to fight against bullying .

In addition, through the visualization of this short film it is achieved:

  • Raise awareness against harassment situations at school.
  • Reflect and understand the consequences of bullying .
  • Assess the importance of acting against situations of violence.
  • Consider diversity as something positive and enriching.
The abusive stones of the short Rock, paper or scissors to prevent bullying.
Android promotional campaign.

For this, it is convenient that said short is seen in the company of an adult (teacher, mother, father, etc.), so that once the video is finished, the latter proposes and guides a conversation in which the opinions and opinions are revealed. little one’s thoughts on the subject.

The bullying : a problem of all

It should be noted that this fantastic video belongs to an awareness campaign carried out by Android. This great company with this audiovisual proposal intends to contribute its grain of sand to achieve the eradication of bullying throughout the world.

This is something to really value, since bullying would be reduced more easily if all of us tried to contribute something to the cause. For this, different actions can be carried out, such as:

  • Conduct and attend awareness talks.
  • Donations.
  • Educate children correctly.
  • Transmit civic, ethical and social values.
  • Be good role models and role models.

Remember that the bullying is not just a school problem, but involves and harms the entire society. Therefore, we must join forces to fight him since, as the Japanese writer Ryūnosuke Akutagawa said:

3 dynamics to prevent bullying

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