Showing Affection To Your Child Does Not Mean Being Permissive

Showing affection to your child does not mean being permissive

Showing affection to your child is the way to educate him well, prepare him for life. According to the affection that you offer him, it will be his emotional intelligence, self-love and self-confidence ; You will have the courage to face the problems that come your way and you will feel loved.

It should be known that a heart becomes great, the mind is enriched, when you have plenty of support and affection and you can count on people who know how to love. Because the human being, even when surrounded by the most precious economic riches, needs to feel protected, valued, loved, to grow up happy.

Yes, give all the love you can to the child you brought into the world a few years ago and to the one who sees in you his guide, his example, his safe harbor. The love you offer has nothing to do with your being a lazy, characterless, or permissive parent.

Stay with us so that you understand why the “demanding, dictator, and rude father” model is wrong, as well as that: “if you educate your child with affection, you spoil him, make him fussy, or lead him to disrespect.”


A permissive parent

A permissive parent is one who does not put enough authority at home. But beware! By authority we do not mean punishment, prohibitions, mistreatment, shouting … Quite contrary to what you might think, fear is not authority.

Know that a father achieves full authority when he exerts influence over his son thanks to the prestige that he earned in his eyes. This authority is what empowers the parent to command, say how things should be done and call the child’s attention , whenever necessary.

You are permissive, for example, when you don’t set rules that help your child understand coexistence and mutual respect; or all the times that you let him pass his nonsense, letting yourself be guided by the wrong idea: “He’s a boy! He’ll learn and behave better when he grows up.”

If you do not point out the limits of his behavior, guide him, do not give him evidence of his mistakes and ask him to correct them, or allow him to disrespect you …

When you second him in his lies, you agree to let him steal his friends’ toys, you let him skip school just because it is what he wants to do, and you manage his bad actions … you are permissive, you are a bad father.

A father all love

An all-loving father is one who, emotionally, can be placed on the same level as a mother. Although not a few people, including men themselves, argue that like mother’s love there is no other in life; fatherly love can also occupy top seats.

It is easy for a man to love his child when he takes care of her, lives together, and participates directly in her upbringing. Regardless of whether their main role is to bring food to the table, many parents around the world collaborate with the care and all the tasks related to the new member, including play.

potato role

Dad continues to be a mentor and an example of respect, even when he hugs tightly and kisses the cheeks; laugh, play hide and seek and dress up as a clown just to amuse your little one.

It is not because of being sentimental and affectionate that a father becomes less of a man or loses credibility with his son. Because a father is trust, kindness, security, protection, help, affection, hug, pampering, advice the word: father, he deserves to have these adjectives attached to him.

An all-loving father, with the same vigor that points and admonishes, passes his hand and forgives.

Showing affection to your child does not mean being permissive

Dad, may you not lack the love to become one, or the attachment figure that your little one needs so much; nor the energy to dedicate quality time to it, even when you need those hours to rest.

May the years continue to reward you with that innate patience that you have and all the goodness that overflows in your heart every time you have to clarify a “why” and teach him something.

Our most fervent wish is that you continue to reap the affection that you sow, along with the good education that you offer; being the man and the father, that he appreciates so much.

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