Suitable Shoes For The Baby, How To Choose?

Suitable shoes for the baby, how to choose?

Every child needs proper shoes from an early age. In fact, these are crucial to the learning to walk process. In this sense, comfort is extremely important. Some experts recommend that the first steps be alternated with and without shoes.

Really, our children need proper shoes for their health. Yes, footwear is crucial when shaping the walk. Don’t we ourselves walk one way or another when we change shoes?

In the case of babies and young children, inappropriate footwear can modify and even harm their health. Everything seems to start with the feet.

It is really important that our children have shoes that match their growth, that do not cause them any harm. Obviously, when there are major difficulties that go beyond what we can do from home, the doctor’s opinion will be the first one we must attend to.

The right shoes avoid long-term inconvenience

A study  by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche,  noted that shoes with built-in wheels cause health problems if overused. In this way, they encouraged parents and representatives to find the right shoes for their children.

Know some drawbacks of shoes with wheels:

  1. Growth problems. With this type of footwear the height of the heel can reach up to about 5 cm, this causes almost all the body weight to fall on it. This increases up to 40% which can cause growth problems.
  2. Too much pressure on the heel. It can cause a shortening of the posterior muscles (calves, soleus and hamstrings), which can lead to flat feet.
  3. They weigh much more than normal shoes. Podiatrists even warn that they can cause hip problems, because children put much more effort in lifting their feet.
Choosing the right shoes for the baby avoids future problems

Here are the best tips for choosing the right shoes for your baby.

How should the first shoes be for your baby?

  1. The last must be straight. If you want to know how you can notice it, you just have to look at the sole, if you cannot distinguish which is the right and which is the left, it means that the last is completely straight. If the last is very inclined, it can deform the baby’s fingers.
  2. The tip should be round and closed. You must be careful that the shoes have a comfortable tip where your baby can move his toes.
  3. It should be fastened in a way that does not interfere with your mobility. It can be on the instep or the tongue.
  4. A seamless shoe is much better. We have to make sure that the shoe does not have internal seams that could harm the baby.
  5. The buttress must have support. It should reach a little higher than the heel, so the ankle can be flexed without any problem.
  6. The sole must have a multidirectional pattern. It is a good option so that the sole does not slip easily and the baby can fall. The thickness of the sole should be 3 and 5 mm.
  7. Leather is the best material. This material allows breathability and is flexible.

How do I know which is the best size for my baby?

There are several techniques to know which are the right shoes for your baby according to their measurements. Here are some recommendations:

  1. The first thing you should do is try on the shoe. It is important that there is a gap between your foot and the shoe of 0.5 to 1.5 cm. We must press on the toe of the shoe to see if the fingers rub against the shoe, if so, it would mean that the shoe is too small.
  2. Try on the footwear at the end of the day. This will be the time when the baby has the most swollen feet. We will ask you to get up and put your weight on your feet.
  3. Some parents use the trick of drawing the baby’s foot on a sheet or cardboard. Some parents use this famous trick, drawing the foot and giving it a centimeter of distance from the shoe. This technique is not recommended by some podiatrists.
  4. We should not buy a shoe that is one size larger. We always have the idea that it is better to buy him a bigger shoe because it will last longer, but this is not good for him. If the heel comes off or slips, we should look for a smaller shoe.
The right shoes are those that are comfortable

The health of our children is very important to us. We must be very careful that the footwear that the child is using does not affect their health and may cause problems in the future. As we’ve already seen, the right shoes do a lot from an early age.

What shoes to buy for your child according to their age

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