Teach Your Children Not To Give Up Their Principles

During childhood and adolescence, the need for approval can lead young people to make decisions that they later regret. Let us teach them to be true to their principles.
Teach your children not to give up their principles

Life in society implies the need for belonging and the desire for the approval of others. This is something natural and we all, to a greater or lesser extent, adapt to others in order to establish links. However, we must teach our children very early not to renounce their principles, because no healthy relationship will make you detach from your own essence.

We all know that adolescence is the quintessential stage of friends. The peer group becomes a very important part of the identity of young people. However, already in childhood the pressure to fit in and be accepted becomes noticeable. Therefore, we should not postpone the conversation about the importance of remaining yourself.

Not giving up on your principles is staying true to yourself

Our principles shape our essential being and define our attitudes and desires, what we hope to give and receive. These precepts guide us on the path of life and serve as a compass when making decisions. Although there are some universal principles, each person adopts them to a greater or lesser extent, and this makes them the person they are.

Parents educating their children and teaching them not to renounce their principles from an early age.

As parents, we strive to instill in our children certain values, to help them understand the difference between right and wrong. We try to give them an example and tools to become people in the broadest sense of the word.

Undoubtedly, the family environment lays the foundations of the education in values ​​of a minor. However, on several occasions life will put him to the test, shaking any moral principle that is not well established.

The desire to be accepted by their peers and the need to be part of a group can lead children and adolescents to make decisions that they later regret. So let’s explain to them the enormous importance of not betraying themselves to win the affection of anyone else.

Teach your children not to give up their principles

Self respect

Respect for oneself is absolutely key for a child (and also an adult) to be happy. Helping an infant to listen to his own desires and understand his emotions will make life easier in many ways. But, also, let’s try to instill in them that choosing themselves first is not a selfish act, it is the most important act of love of all, self-love.

Let us forge in them such a healthy self-esteem that they do not hesitate when someone demands that they renounce self-respect. A person who tries to humiliate us, use us or beat us does not deserve our friendship. And this the children must have it clearly clear.

Respect for others

Many times children and young people may find themselves in situations in which they will have to take sides for the victim or the executioner. Perhaps, your group of friends is criticizing, attacking or extorting another classmate and is putting pressure on the child to take the same path.

Parents taking a walk with their children and teaching them not to give up their principles.

The fear of being rejected can lead you to participate in the aggressive dynamic, which is why well-rooted values ​​are so necessary. A child based on kindness, tolerance, solidarity and empathy will be more likely to refuse this type of behavior. He will understand that it is not something acceptable, not only because of the damage caused to a third party, but because his actions define him as a person.


From the beginning of preadolescence, it is common for young people to begin to tell little lies or omit parts of the truth to their parents. Something that can be part of the normal process of identity formation can go further if the value of honesty is not well worked out.

We must try to convey to our children that honesty is the courageous way. It may seem that lying can save us trouble at times, but in the long run it only makes the situation worse and turns us into disloyal people.

These are just a few examples, but each person forges their personality with the principles they believe are important. As parents, let’s try to guide the little ones in choosing those values ​​that will guide their growth. Work with your children in the integration of those principles that you consider necessary; you will be shaping a wonderful human being.

Education in values ​​for children, a task that starts from home

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