Technique Of The 3 Attention Calls To Educate Children

We talked about how to get children to listen, without having to leave your voice asking for things, thanks to the technique of the 3 attention calls.
Technique of the 3 wake-up calls to educate children

The 3 wake-up calls technique is a very useful discipline technique because it can help parents not to cheat each other in trying to get their children to listen and obey.

How many times does a father or mother have to call attention to their children so that they do not move away, so that they stop doing something or do it? Well, this technique suggests that the limit of attention calls should be 3. Let’s see why and how to do it.

What is the technique of the 3 attention calls?

It is a basic discipline technique quite unknown to some parents. It is a very effective method to deal with the arduous task of getting children to obey, that is, it is a discipline method to get children to learn to respond quickly when they are called to attention, for whatever reason.

It is not positive that parents have to call their children 6, 7 or more times to make them listen; so that they finish eating, so that they turn off the television or so that they stop putting their fingers in a dangerous place. Because, in the end, they get used to being called a thousand times and, even so, they do not take for granted  and, finally, it happens that the parents lose their patience and scold or punish them.

Mother with raised finger punishing her daughter.

Thus, the ideal is that the calls for attention are limited to be much less, and 3 is what this technique of discipline establishes. For which, this method must be applied gradually and from when children are young.

In this way, children learn that when their parents call their attention, they must respond to the first call. Or, in any case, to the second call and always be aware that a third call is the limit and that it supposes some kind of consequence. Consequences such as adding extra tasks or removing privileges, such as reducing some recreational activities, among which you can mention going out to ride a bike, for example.

Benefits, both for parents and children, of the application of the technique

  • It helps the elderly, parents and educators, not to lose patience  and not have to resort to shouting, threats or punishments when the attention of a child or student is not obtained.
  • Children better understand the importance of an order and internalize what it means. The 3 wake-up call limit indicates something important and failure to do so will have consequences.
  • Help children develop a better sense of responsibility.

How to apply the technique of the 3 attention calls?

As we have said, it is a gradual process in which the use of the tone of voice is essential.

  • First call for attention. It is simply a request preceded by a “please” . “Abraham, please go brush your teeth . The tone of voice to make this first call for attention should be normal, low, soft and calm.
  • Second wake-up call. On this second call, the tone of voice should rise a bit. Abraham, brush your teeth!” . Which does not mean shouting, but using a more direct and imperative tone.
  • Third wake-up call. This is the final call, so it must sound like a real order, firm and forceful. “Abraham, brush your teeth right now, and this is the last time I say that!” . It can be accompanied by information on the possible consequences of disregarding the given mandate.

    In relation to the first and second calls for attention, it can be effective if they are accompanied by explanations and reasons, such as, for example, why it is good that we pick up the toys from the ground. That is, explaining to children that someone can trip over them and fall, and also that toys break if someone steps on them.

    Mother talking to her daughter after using the 3 wake-up call technique.

    The more reasonable reasons we can give our children why to call attention to something, the better. Thus, it  will be easier for them to understand why they should change their attitude  or behave in one way or another.

    How to make the 3 wake-up calls technique effective and positive?

    Obviously, this technique does not work from one day to the next, and even less with children who are used to not having any kind of consequences for their negative attitudes or acts. With which, as we have said, for this technique to be effective and positive, it must be applied from when children are small.

    In addition, it is important that parents are constant in the application of the technique and are consistent with it. That is, consistent with the application of the consequence derived from the lack of attention, or case, by the children.

    Thus, in this way, your child will learn, in a more natural way, to pay attention to 1, 2 and, as a limit, 3 calls for attention. Whether this call is in the form of a request or suggestion, notice or direct order.

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