The Importance Of Good Physical Preparation For Childbirth

Prenatal physical activities support a healthier body and mind at the time of delivery.
The importance of good physical preparation for childbirth

Birth involves a great effort for both the mother and the unborn child. Therefore, the state of health of the woman prior to that moment will have a great influence. All the muscles of the mother’s body will work together to expel the baby. Because of this, we can understand the importance of good physical preparation for childbirth.

During pregnancy, multiple changes develop in the woman’s body to allow the development of the child she carries. The expectant mother can begin to carry out adapted physical activity once she has the medical consent. Physical preparation will be different for a sedentary woman than for a woman who was active before she got pregnant.

In the case of a sedentary woman, begin slowly and progressively, with low-power activities. As you adapt to the activity, you can increase the variety of exercises.

For a more active mother, the sport that she did before pregnancy will be adapted, reducing the intensity and adapting the workouts to each stage of pregnancy. All physical preparation for childbirth must be programmed, directed and supervised by a professional specialized in the area.

In week 31 some exercises can be done.
Some low intensity exercises could be great this week.

Recommended activities during pregnancy

There are a large number of possible activities to perform during pregnancy. It is recommended that you continue with the activity to which you were accustomed, as long as it is not of high impact. The expectant mother should avoid running, jumping and exercises that involve push-ups to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Among the most recommended activities are the following:

  • Swimming or prenatal hydrotherapy : it can be done from the first weeks of gestation, until the baby is near. It is a very safe activity, since it offers ideal conditions to move freely. Water reduces 90% of body weight, relieving the joints and especially the spine.
  • Walks : it is a simple activity that can be done daily in short distances. It is advisable to always walk with someone and take breaks as many times as necessary.
  • Dance : the pregnant woman can dance whenever she wishes during pregnancy, as long as they are not sudden movements, and with rest intervals.
  • Yoga : it is a discipline that, adapted to motherhood, offers great muscular benefits, increasing strength and elasticity. In addition to this, it improves respiratory control, so important for the moment of delivery.
  • Specific prenatal activities : provide information and exercises directly related to pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium. They can be done in parallel to any other activity that the future mother does. It is very useful to practice them with a companion to serve as a guide during labor and delivery. They include relaxations and connection activities with the baby.

Benefits of a good physical preparation for childbirth

Preparing physically and mentally for birth supports a healthier body and mind. The most important recommendation is to always listen to the body without overexertion, since the main objective is to condition the body for birth.

Physical activity in general helps maintain and improve physical and emotional state and allows better adaptation to changes in pregnancy.

  • During pregnancy : it reduces physical and emotional tensions. Improves body awareness and allows better recognition of the pelvic floor. It also improves the elasticity and strength of the muscles involved in childbirth. In addition, it helps to moderate the mother’s weight gain and favors the hormonal state by releasing endorphins, while allowing a greater connection with her baby.
  • In labor : it reduces the discomfort in labor, since it decreases the dilation times of the cervix. It also improves joint mobility and reduces anxiety, fear, and pain.
  • At the time of delivery : it helps the mother to locate the muscles, which gives her greater security in the management of her own body. It favors a more active participation at the time of delivery and, consequently, a reduction in the number of caesarean sections.
  • Post-birth : improves post-birth physical condition. This leads to fewer postpartum complications. In the event that the woman needs a cesarean section, it provides a better recovery.
    Pregnant women practicing yoga as part of a good physical preparation for childbirth.

Main exercises for a good physical preparation for childbirth

Prenatal physical activities are focused on strengthening the muscles with greater participation in the delivery. These are those that intervene in the posture and the forces used to expel the baby, in addition to educating on respiratory control, essential for labor and delivery.

The main muscle groups covered in these practices are the lower back, pelvic floor, and respiratory muscles. They work with flexibility, circulatory and muscular endurance exercises. Also with general and specific breathing exercises for birth. After the activity, it is essential to take a moment to calm down and relax.

The key is in the movement

If the pregnant woman is not interested in adding a scheduled prenatal activity, she can add recommended pregnancy exercises to her daily routine. It is an option to apply them while you are sitting at a desk, while reading a book, during a car trip or also in some other daily moment when it is comfortable for you.

Physical preparation exercises for childbirth can be done up to the day of birth. Even better, during labor, prioritizing joint mobility, which not only benefits the woman, but also the unborn child. This gives you the chance to better position yourself in the birth canal.

The best preparation for natural childbirth

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