The Importance Of Listening To Children

Even if he is too young to make decisions or express his own opinions, your child has his own feelings, experiences, and desires. Listening to him will let you know what he needs and better prepare him to face events.
The importance of listening to children

Listening to children is an indispensable element for their education. Parents who dedicate the time necessary to care for them are considered by the little ones as confidants and a pillar in which they can find support.

However, with work, the responsibilities of daily life and the lack of time it  can happen that, on some occasions, you do not dedicate all the time they need and that you do not show them the importance they deserve.

To pay attention to children you only need to do a little of your part. In that sense, you must make sure that they can always count on your presence when they want to trust you with their joys and sorrows. Therefore, it is important that you always listen to them, respect their feelings, and be curious about everything that concerns them.

Why is it important to listen to children?

Find the child in you

Through children, you can find your own childhood. Voluntarily or not, people tend to forget most childhood memories. But when you sincerely listen to your child, you reconnect with the past and, of course, with the child that you were.

Childhood is a wonderful stage characterized by discoveries. During this phase, the little one has the ability to marvel at everything around him and a great curiosity about the outside world.  Through your child, you can rediscover a new perception of the world that will bring some freshness and vitality to your routine.

The moral development of children is completed through dialogue with parents.

Listen to him to help you

Your son has his own problems. It is difficult for him not to be displeased to see that his words or even his triumphs are not recognized. Your child needs attention and comfort, so be available and attentive when talking.

Being listened to by you  will help him develop a positive self-image and improve self-esteem.

When you listen carefully to your child, he will have a sense of calm and will release all that he contains. In addition, you will have the facility to share anxieties and difficulties that require solutions. This will allow her to easily come back to talk about other issues, which will keep the relationship flowing between you.

Strengthen ties with your child

Listening to children allows you to get closer to them and establish relationships of trust and complicity. In addition, the little ones will feel valued and respected and will tend to reproduce the same attitude with the rest of the family and even with other adults and children.

Paying attention to them helps make the connection stronger and more intimate. Your children will begin to understand that they can count on you to help them solve their problems and better understand their emotions and opinions.

How to listen to children?

  • Good listening starts with attitude. When you listen to your child, it is recommended that you stop all activities and stay away from distractions.
  • Take the time to listen to your child’s wishes, perceptions, problems, joys, and expectations. Make sure you listen to the child every day. You can establish a communication time in which you are only aware of him.
  • Give it your full attention. Your child needs to feel that he is the center of your attention and that you are interested in what he is saying.
  • Avoid interrupting him. Allow your child to speak without interruption and let him finish his speech.
Knowing how to listen to children is something that parents must often learn.

Listening to children contributes significantly to their education as it allows them to open up more easily to others. As a mother, you must always be present when your child wants to express his needs, concerns and joys.

In short, a child always needs someone to be with him to express what he has inside. Knowing how to listen to children requires an effort on the part of parents, a fact that guarantees a positive impact on their education and evolution.

Not all parents have the ability to listen, but with conscious effort they can develop and improve their listening skills.

Listening to your child is as important as hugging him

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