The Importance Of Teaching To Have Willpower

The development of willpower is associated with motivation and discipline. This in turn allows the formation of criteria for decision making. 
The importance of teaching to have willpower

Having willpower may seem like an innate condition at first glance, although it really is not. Willpower is the ability that allows the individual to control their impulses. Unlike what is commonly believed, it is an attitude that is learned in childhood. Therefore, it is necessary for parents to be a good example for their children and be there to answer questions and show different alternatives.

Decision making does not always coincide with desire. It is there where the willpower participates. Having the criteria to choose the right thing and discard the inappropriate can be one of the most difficult aspects to manage in the education of our children; however, this is not an impossible task.

How to teach them to have willpower 

Willpower is not just about saying “no” to the wrong thing. It is also fulfilling responsibilities even if you don’t have the will or desire. Here are some tips to help you teach your children to have willpower:

  1. Set the example. If at any time you want to buy something but you have to prioritize other issues, don’t be tempted to beat around the bush. This way you will avoid giving your child the wrong image.
    • In the same way, if you are following a certain diet, avoid setting a bad example.
  2. Be consistent. Remember that you must be a role model so that children can perceive how things should be done and what benefits consistency brings.
  3. Try to establish good discipline. Willpower success stems from this. Carrying out the same activity every day, at the same time, creates the necessary habit in children and at the same time helps develop a sense of responsibility.
    • For less structured or more scattered children, maintaining discipline will be more difficult. And with it, willpower.
  4. Going to the rhythm of the children is also important . Remember that some children find it easier to follow directions than others. Learning to have willpower doesn’t happen overnight.
  5. Ask them to carry out certain simple execution activities on a regular basis. For example, making the bed after getting up, helping to set the table before eating, and so on.  These activities can be varied so that children do not get bored easily.
    • In time they will understand that the task must be accomplished despite the circumstances. It is at that moment, when the willpower is activated.

Willpower in adolescents

Developing willpower in the adolescent stage is very important. This ability will give them the character to reject inappropriate offers, avoid being victims of social pressure, as well as compromise with their responsibilities and create unnecessary conflicts.

During adolescence, young people go through stages of rebellion. They may also experience inconsistencies with their personality and interests. This unstable situation makes them more vulnerable to frustration. Usually a teenager is not able to identify what he likes. Much less can you handle a criterion of good and bad.

Reinforcements for willpower

First, the example begins at home. The parents’ speech must be consistent with the actions. Willpower must be practiced at all levels and scales.

The decision to make the actions more flexible must be mutually agreed by the parents. Adolescents require structure during their growth process. The young person needs to know that mom and dad are the same team.

having willpower is a useful lifelong tool.

Constancy and perseverance. Remembering day-to-day tasks can be a tiring job for parents. But it’s necessary. It should be noted that adolescents easily confuse their will with what they “want to do ”. And not with what “should be done.”

By giving them the opportunity to decide, you will put their task at risk. It is important to be constant with the actions, so that little by little the young person develops his criteria.

Maintaining good communication is essential in the case of adolescents. To build confidence in a teenager, it is important to listen to them. Parents should provide spaces where young people can have the freedom to express themselves and listen in a friendly and critical way to both the good and what needs to be improved.

Communication should be done without questioning or criticism. But making clear the role of the participants. Parents are always the ones who set the house rules. Your opinion is important. To develop his own criteria, the adolescent must feel that his opinion is taken into account.

Giving you the opportunity to propose your idea and evaluate it gives them security. You should avoid rejecting your de facto proposal. Rather, analyzing your decision will help you question your own judgment.

Contrary is never a good option. The ban generates rejection. It is recommended to explain the reasons why the adolescent’s proposal is not correct. Having willpower benefits human beings for life, hence the importance of inspiring our children from an early age.

Tips for parents to raise independent and responsible children

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