The Need For Love During Pregnancy

Discover what are the benefits of having the love of your partner, family and friends during pregnancy.
The need for love during pregnancy

It is very important to receive love during pregnancy. When you find out that you are in sweet expectation of a baby, you are filled with great joy. And not only to you, but to all your family and friends.

Despite being a personal experience for you and your partner, it also becomes a collective experience. Being pregnant brings many changes that also affect our emotions. Sometimes we are filled with great joy and other times we are sad without knowing why. 

During this period we meet very frequently at the doctor. We have to do tests and check that our pregnancy goes well. It is also essential to be treated with delicacy and affection by health personnel.

The importance of love during pregnancy

The day we find out that we are going to be mothers, especially if it is the first time, in addition to invading us great joy and happiness, many questions and doubts about the baby will arise. How will you face this new stage? Will you be a good mother? What will the delivery be like? What to do when my baby is born?

The need for love in pregnancy.

That is why it is important that you surround yourself with people who provide you with emotional support. It will be good for you to share with people who have already gone through this stage, such as your mother, sister, friend, cousin, etc. This can be of great help to guide you and solve any doubts you may have.

There are many changes that occur in your body during the 40 weeks of pregnancy. Despite being happy, other feelings also arise, such as anxiety, worry and even sadness.

Receiving the support of your partner, family and friends is essential. Feeling loved and supported will make everything better for you. It is a stage of continuous emotional changes, and that the people you love support you and give their love, will guarantee your emotional health and that of your baby.

Because from the moment you find out that you are expecting a child, everything you do will also influence your child. Being under stress or anxiety also hurts the child. Hormones are released during periods of stress that can cause premature labor, obstetric complications, low birth weight, among others.

Your partner’s love during pregnancy

Your partner also plays a crucial role. Their care, support and love during pregnancy is very beneficial for both you and your baby. Whenever possible, it is good for your partner to accompany you to a check-up with the gynecologist or even to maternity education. There it is explained how to act before the birth for both.

And of course, spend as much time as you can enjoying together, doing activities that amuse you, preparing your child’s room, going out to dinner or to the movies … All those moments will bring you security, tranquility, happiness and above all you will feel loved.

The need for love during pregnancy.

The professionals during your pregnancy

We cannot forget the role that professionals play in pregnancy. During the 40 weeks of gestation, visits to the midwife, gynecologist or doctor are constant. In this sense, it is always good for health professionals to be loving and respectful.

All pregnant women need to feel comfortable and that going to the doctor is not distressing. If there is a friendly treatment, in which all the doubts we have are explained, we are understood and we feel cared for, it will make it easier to carry our pregnancy.

Let’s not see the time of going to the review as something unpleasant, quite the opposite. There they will tell us how everything is going and solve our doubts in the best possible way.

Benefits of love during pregnancy

  • Feeling loved and nurtured will boost your mood.
  • Security and trust in professionals.
  • Greater tranquility and relaxation during the sweet wait.
  • Less fears and worries.

Pregnancy is a precious and unforgettable moment in the life of a couple and also in that of their family and friends. That is why surrounding yourself with all of them, receiving their love and support, will help you to make this adventure the most wonderful and beautiful of your life.

Maternal love, choose to be happy

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