The New Primary And Secondary School Subjects

What course are your children going to do next year? What are they going to study? Learn about the new subjects that are taking their first steps in some centers.
The new primary and secondary school subjects

In some centers they have introduced new primary and secondary subjects, and it is most likely that the rest of the centers will follow these steps sooner or later. Therefore, we are going to explain what some of these new subjects consist of.

New primary and secondary goals

The world changes, and education has to adapt and reflect those changes. Relax, we do not mean to change math, language or English from top to bottom.

Instead, these changes are based on introducing ‘new’ classes that focus on social, creative, analytical and technological aspects. These aspects are already covered in other classes, but now they will be the central theme of some primary and secondary school subjects.

New primary school subjects

At this stage we can find up to four subjects that we have classified according to the courses in which they are taught. Students act according to what they see in their environment, so they have to know certain values, skills and tools from the first moment.


This subject is designed for first cycle students (first, second and third year of primary school). Other classes are more focused on teaching content, so  the goal of this class is to teach them to observe, think, and reflect for themselves.

It addresses topics about so-called soft skills , that is, communication, respect, emotional intelligence or social skills. In addition, it also educates them on non-discrimination and non-violence, vital issues of which children must be made aware.

The new primary and secondary school subjects.

Coexistence: respect and tolerance

This is the second part of Coexistence, so it will delve into the previous topics. It will be taught in the courses of the second cycle, that is, from fourth to sixth grade.

Creativity and entrepreneurship

What is the next step to learning the above concepts and situations? Carry them out. In these classes, fifth and sixth graders will have the opportunity to project the skills they have learned through teamwork.

Why is teamwork the centerpiece of the subject? It is true that exams are necessary to assess student progress, but so are teamwork. They are very useful because both the knowledge and skills of the students are reflected in the projects.

When developing these group projects in class, teachers can give them guidelines, such as the objectives of an exercise, so that they can create the whole process. That’s where creativity, communication, autonomy and cooperation come into play.

Technology and digital resources to improve learning

The use of electronic devices is the order of the day, but do children know how to use them? Surely one day your son or daughter has arrived from school with some work to look for information. After reading the statement, they must have asked, “Where do I start?” or “What do I have to look for?”

This subject starts from teaching students to find information, organize it and use word processing programs, among others. However, they will also use something as useful as email, and will take their first steps in information and communication technology (ICT). Finally, they may also have their first contact with the world of programming.

The new primary and secondary school subjects.

New high school subjects

On the other hand, the new secondary subjects develop the concepts of the last two primary subjects that we have seen. If they were already interesting, now they will be much more.

Initiation to entrepreneurial and business activity

The pillars of the Creativity and Entrepreneurship course were projects and communication, so here they will give a turn towards business and negotiation. It does not refer to business as transactions or money, but to recognizing one’s abilities, making decisions through analysis, and taking responsibility for them. 

They will learn to make budgets at the household level, identify business opportunities and assess their impact and, in addition, they will develop problem solving. Finally, they will learn what it means to be an entrepreneur and the skills and abilities that identify it.

Technology of the information and communication

Think of all the ICT devices that you have at your fingertips: computers, radios, mobiles, tablets … What services do you offer? You can watch the latest series, check your bank account or make an appointment with your doctor in just a few seconds. This subject will show you what ICTs are, what they offer and their importance and impact today.

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