This Boy Overcomes Depression By Meeting A Dog With The Same Illness

This child overcomes depression by meeting a dog with the same illness

“My little boy is very sad and I don’t know how to help him!” Surely many parents have gone through this desperate situation at some time. Learn the beautiful story of a boy who overcomes depression thanks to a dog. Is it really possible that a pet can help cure diseases?

The little one is diagnosed with vitiligo

Carter Blanchard, is a 6-year-old boy who lives in Arkansas and notices how white spots appear on his face. These are getting bigger and spreading. What is happening to him?

The little one is diagnosed with vitiligo, a disease in which the pigmentation of the skin is gradually lost . The disease is characterized by white spots on the skin that spread throughout the body.

Being a disease visible to everyone, Carter feels very sad, because it is not uncommon for children with this disease to suffer from depression, especially if they are of school age and are becoming aware of what is happening to them.

Knowing how Carter overcomes depression can be a ray of hope for parents who are going through the same situation with their little ones.

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How Carter Overcomes Depression With The Help Of Rowdy

Carter’s mother is seeing how little by little the little one is fading and is very sad due to the complex that these spots produce on his face. One day he discovers that he doesn’t even feel like going to school, and that he is coming to hate his face.

Alarmed by this desperate and sad situation, she decides to search the Internet for something about her son’s illness. To his surprise, he discovers that there is a dog, famous on social networks, who has vitiligo like Carter.

Quickly the mother tries to contact the owner of the dog to alleviate the suffering of her son. She thinks that if her son sees the dog with the same disease that he has, he might react in a positive way. Thus, as any mother would do in the same situation, she gets down to work.

A big obstacle is solved

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The big problem arises when Carter’s mother discovers that the dog lives miles away and that the journey is going to cost a lot of money. Determined not to miss the opportunity to see her son overcome depression, she decides to take out a travel loan.

This moving story not only has a happy ending, but also the journey to reach the goal, because the surprise for the mother comes when someone, selflessly and anonymously, gets her the money for the trip. What gratitude that mother must have felt!

Depression is finally overcome

The long-awaited moment for everyone, especially Carter and his mother finally arrives with the encounter with Rowdy, a 13-year-old black Labrador retriever. How will both react?

Carter came to see that he was not the only one suffering from this disease, and that one can live happily knowing and adapting to it. The little boy regained his smile, his self-esteem and happiness, and his mother found that depression can be overcome with a pet with the same disease. 

Surely it would not be the only or last time that Carter and Rowdy saw each other and spent some time together, as both the owner and the mother made the appropriate arrangements for the child to have contact with his new friend.

With this story with a happy ending, it is clear how much help animals can provide to the sick. Scientific studies have shown that, for example, dogs can help overcome psychological and mental problems.

Also other animals such as the horse, can help children in wheelchairs or with mobility problems and the dolphin can help with diseases such as autism.

We will continue to eagerly await advances in science in this field and in many others.

The story of Sadie, the girl with Down syndrome and the dog that takes care of her

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