This Is What Happens To A Mother’s Brain When She Hugs Her Baby

The hug with your baby is necessary and essential both for your little one and for you.
This is what happens to a mother's brain when she hugs her baby

To your baby, you are an endless supply of the best hugs in the world. You are always there to take him in your arms and hug him, whether it is because he is sad, hurt, crying or simply because you want to hug him. Your warm hug makes him feel better instantly, as it has a powerful calming effect. Do you want to know what happens in a mother’s brain when she hugs her baby?

Baby hugs are magic for moms too

Did you know that baby hugs are magical for moms too? Researchers have found that hugs have a positive impact on a mother’s emotional health, especially after delivery.

A 2001 study published in MCN:  The American Journal of Maternal / Child Nursing found that skin-to-skin contact, also known as kangaroo care, can minimize, and even help, prevent postpartum depression, which affects approximately 600,000 women each year in the United States.

The same study found that kangaroo care, which includes cuddling, can reduce maternal anxiety and promote secure attachment between mother and baby. But hugging doesn’t just improve a mother’s mood.

Mom hugging her baby because it is beneficial for her brain.

Speaking to Scientific American, Ann Bigelow, a professor of developmental psychology and a researcher at St. Francis Xavier University, suggests that hugs can change the way you engage as a parent.

“They seem to be more sensitive to their baby’s signals, and babies respond better to the mother during the first three months,” says Bigelow. “They recognize their mother before, so the relationship between mother and baby has an easy start.”

What happens to a mother’s brain

Why are baby hugs so magical? Thanks to the chemicals in your brain. Research shows that the physical act of hugging or holding hands can help people feel less stressed. This is because your levels of cortisol, the stress-controlling hormone, plummet when you are touched in a friendly way.

A 2015 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science also found that hugging your baby can increase the release of oxytocin, which is the “hug hormone,” which helps bring people closer together and establish a better emotional bond. .

Mother hugging her baby to create a good bond of attachment.

In other words: hugging improves bonding with your baby.

Hugging your baby improves bonding with him, and moms aren’t the only ones who benefit from a baby hug. After all, hugging your child is known to improve your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. A hug helps boost your baby’s brain development, strengthen his immune system, teach him to regulate his emotions, and foster positive self-esteem.

A mother’s brain needs to hug her baby

So, do not hesitate and go hug your baby as soon as possible, because he needs it more than anything in the world. But, knowing that your baby needs your hugs, you must also keep in mind that you, too, need his hugs more than anything else. Touching your baby will instantly make you feel good.

So, stop listening to those people who tell you not to hug your baby too much because it spoils him. Hugging and giving love does not spoil anyone, least of all your baby, who  needs to be in your arms for as long as possible.

And you will not be spoiling him, but you will be raising him feeling safe and loved, as well as respected, because his mother and father take care of his needs whenever he needs it. Never skimp on giving your baby love because it is beneficial for both of you! A loving and caring home is essential for everyone.

There are hugs that are therapeutic for your children

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