Tips For Organizing The Day During Quarantine

We want to share in this article some recommendations so that the days of confinement that remain to pass are somewhat more bearable.
Tips for organizing your day during quarantine

We have already been incarcerated for several weeks to be able to fight COVID-19, and the need to be able to go out to the streets begins to be felt. Therefore, for the time that we have left, so as not to lower our guard and fall into boredom or uneasiness, it is very positive to organize the day during quarantine.

And we are still at home …

Surely it happens to all of us, that we feel that the days in quarantine become increasingly heavy and tedious, and there are many sensations that we experience throughout the hours; at times we are bored or we feel overwhelmed without really knowing why.

And, on the contrary, there are some hours of the day in which we are very energetic and optimistic, we propose to look for things to do and we enjoy the company of the family.

To avoid these ups and downs of emotions that can sometimes cause us a little anxiety, we must organize each day of the quarantine. In this way, every morning when we wake up, we will know what we have or want to do. And, in this way, we can make the remaining days of confinement not only more bearable, but also more productive.

Getting organized is key

In order to wage war on this coronavirus “bug”, we must respect the rules and take care of ourselves and others. And, for this, we can read and learn something new every day; we must exercise our attention, memory and ability to concentrate.

In addition, we have to eat well and do some sports to be strong, release endorphins and grow in desire and optimism. And there is no better recipe to achieve all this than to organize each of the days of the quarantine well.

Couple exercising at home during quarantine.

So, if organizing refers to preparing a thing by carefully thinking through the details necessary for its proper development, that is precisely what we have to do. We must organize and plan each day of quarantine to maintain a calm and positive attitude. Which is possible by setting goals, tasks and activities that we must try to accomplish.

Tips for organizing your day during quarantine

The forecast

Foresight is essential. Thus, planning the next day’s meals every night before is a form of organization. This will help us, when the time comes, to avoid eating any fast and unhealthy foods. In addition, planning menus positively predisposes us to take the task of cooking as a daily activity that we must respect and comply with.

What’s more, the ideal thing would be to plan the meals for all of her every week and make a shopping list with everything we may need. This is a good way to take advantage of the food we have so that you don’t have to throw anything away and have to go shopping very often.

Setting goals and objectives as a way to organize the day during quarantine

Another important aspect to consider when organizing each quarantine day is setting goals or objectives. Thus, we will feel that every day we must fulfill some obligation and it focuses us.

In this sense,  a goal or objective is to telework, for those who must do it, or to carry out some household task, such as ordering clothes or books. We can also organize old and accumulated photos on the mobile, play sports or advance in the chapters of the many series that we are watching.

We can even plan some type of learning activity, such as reviewing languages, doing an online course  or attending classes or teleconferences on topics that we like or interest.

Respect schedules

We have talked about setting goals and objectives as a way to organize the day during quarantine. Now, closely related to this, it is convenient that the tasks and activities that we consider to do each day occupy us a certain time  and do not interfere with other activities and tasks related to our basic needs, that is, at meal times or when we should try to rest.

Mother doing meditation and reflecting to organize the day during the quarantine.

It is beneficial that in these days of quarantine we respect certain schedules and maintain a similar routine every day. This will help us to focus and move forward in the day in a relatively regular way, thus avoiding feeling that the day is too short or too long and, in both cases, having the feeling that we are not doing anything productive.

One last tip for organizing your day during quarantine: relaxation and reflection

Finally, we should not forget to include an hour for relaxation and reflection in our planning and organization of the day during quarantine. And it is not by chance that we speak of both actions united or of the hand.

It is understandable that we are all very nervous with the moment we are going through, but we must understand that no one is to blame for what is happening to us. With which, it is necessary to relax and think about this situation to give our opinion and talk about the issue, but always from optimism and empathy.

Thus, it is no less important to find a good time each day to, first of all, relax, work our breathing, and even meditate. And, immediately afterwards, reflect, in a calm way, on everything that the coronavirus is teaching us to improve as people and as a society.

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