Tips For Parents Of Children Addicted To The Tablet

Addiction to new technologies is dangerous in children. This could hamper their ability to interact and make them more prone to isolation. In this article you will find some tips to deal with this problem.
Tips for Parents of Tablet Addicted Kids

Today, there is a new problem for parents: children addicted to the tablet. It is very common for our little ones to change the old board games and even traditional toys for the electronic device capable of motivating all their whims, which is also the cause of endless periods of abstraction.

Not surprisingly, Santa Claus is filled with electronic requests every year, and the feeling of children towards electronic toys grows more and more. In this sense, it is the cell phone, video games and the tablet, the cause of an increase in the addiction of children.

Thus, it should be noted that such devices can generate a new problem at home, which leads to an additional challenge for parents of the present and the future.

For example,  we can reach a point where children just want to surf the net and the rest begins to take a backseat to them, neglecting even studies.

Therefore, parents must be attentive to the signs that our children can show to determine their possible addiction.


Signs of possible tablet addiction

  • Lies : One of the main symptoms of addiction to this device is lies. That is, when children expect the slightest carelessness from their parents to use tablets secretly from them.
  • Withdrawal symptoms: Once parents limit the use of these items, their children begin to reflect great anxiety and even depression about it.
  • Demotivation : It happens when children used to be interested in other recreational activities and suddenly they only devote their full interest to electronic equipment.
  • Certain consequences: In general, as a consequence of such addiction, children may face poor performance in school, in addition to their lack of interest in establishing new interpersonal relationships or strengthening existing ones.

    It is important to note that sometimes children can reflect certain negative attitudes, all depending on their age.

    However, this is not a sign of addiction. That is why it is recommended to carefully monitor their attitudes to be able to accurately determine such a diagnosis.

    But what to do if children do become addicted to tablets? All is not lost, here are some simple tips to cope with this situation:

    Tips for parents of children addicted to tablets

    • Set standards . It is important that parents define when and for how long the children will use electronic devices, this would be a way to exercise control.

    Also, it is advisable that the place of use is indicated, so that they can be monitored, because in this way you can see how much they browse and demand that they respect the established time.

    • Avoid giving the full rights of the tablets to your children. It is not recommended that children be the total owners of these devices, because if so, they would feel that they have complete control of them.

      So if parents lose authority over this, it would be more difficult to clarify the rules.

      • Limit its use progressively. When it comes to addiction, it is necessary to gradually eliminate its use, making children get used to it and getting used to the idea that it is time to reduce the time they spend using this type of device.
      • Help them replace the tablet with another object or activity. It would be appropriate for parents to help their children seek alternatives to electronic games.
      • Set the example. There is no use reprimanding children or worrying about perceiving signs of addiction to tablets if parents are walking the same path. That is why it is recommended that parents also limit their use, that their children can take them as an example for it. Remember: words move, but example drags.

      It is important to note that this addiction should be taken as any other or a serious problem of another nature. Therefore, it requires attention, because if this situation is prolonged, it can deteriorate the quality of life of children.

      In this way, it is important to clarify that if it escapes from the parents’ hands, it is worth seeking a little professional help.

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