Tolerance. Does My Child Know What It Means?

Tolerance is the basis of human relationships, and instilling this value in your children is never unnecessary. Learn how and why in this article!
Tolerance.  Does my child know what it means?

Tolerance is one of the strongest expressions of respect that exists in society, of an invaluable nature that allows people to achieve healthy and peaceful coexistence.

Being tolerant is the same as being considerate, respectful, understanding of others. It is a characteristic of the person that refers to the respect of beliefs, practices, thoughts, although they are far from or are different from our criteria.

Children can learn to establish good relationships with their peers from a young age through tolerance and respect, since these play a fundamental role in the relationships they establish from childhood with their families and environment.

It is essential that children learn to listen to the ideas and opinions of their peers and friends, that they accept ideas that are different from his, achieving that they can establish agreements when studying, playing or sharing.

How do I teach my child to be tolerant?

From the first months, our children carefully observe everything that parents do and tend to copy attitudes, repeat what they hear, do what they see and learn what they perceive.

It is important to emphasize that during this learning process  their personality is being formed and will determine in the future their behavior and attitude towards society.

Parents are aware of how demanding a child can be; They are always in search of getting everything they want, but if for any reason a refusal is presented, they can have unacceptable attitudes that are detrimental to their development and that of the environment.

Children do not know how to hide their emotions and feelings, and knowing that their reaction causes a pattern of behavior on the part of their parents, they will always look for a way to act in the same way until that inappropriate behavior is put to rest.

Our children do not know enough tools to eradicate, reduce or block the feeling of non-tolerance, non-respect, and that is when parents with patience and perseverance must take their hand and guide them correctly to improve their behavior.

Your example as a mom can make a difference

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According to experts, children tend to develop their values ​​through what they copy from the people around them.

The behavior of parents in their relationship as a couple is a fundamental characteristic that allows us to show the level of tolerance of each one and what it can transmit, although unfortunately we very seldom think about this.

Understanding and accepting the differences of the other does not refer to changing our way of thinking and reasoning, on the contrary tolerance is directly related to respect, allowing us to be able to understand, understand and accept the various opinions that are generated in the environment in the one that we develop without going against our dignity and integrity.

Can I teach tolerance?

We as parents have in our hands a valuable opportunity, to teach to tolerate those around us, and to give that example to the little ones in the house from their first years of life, so that they can assimilate and learn.

Talking with our children about respect, understanding and tolerance provides the opportunity for them to become more interested in learning about the values ​​and norms that they want to be taught and transmitted.

It is essential to allow our children to share and play with other children, this gives them the opportunity to understand, understand and learn directly that we are all different and each one of us has something to contribute to achieve balance in society and our environment.

Tolerance is established during the learning process through the implementation of didactic activities, storytelling, and comics, which transmit teaching that is easy to internalize, analyze and share in order to create awareness and balance in the environment.

Tips to learn to transmit tolerance

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If you want to give your little one a push to learn to be tolerant, we recommend the following:

  • Keep in mind that the little ones always observe, copy, imitate and act as they see their peers do; their curiosity and desire to know everything, arouses their curiosity to unimaginable levels.
  • Talk constantly with your child about what he observes daily on the street or what is broadcast on television.
  •  Answer and clarify your child’s doubts about the different models and characteristics that exist in others, always with respect and tolerance.
  • Experts assure that children who from an early age have personal conflicts and are not comfortable with their personality, tending to treat others badly.

Parents who care about promoting respect, education and tolerance in their family circle, provide an example of what they teach and transmit the appropriate values ​​and at the right time to their children. They will see from their first years of life the harvest of their work and they will create good and valuable men or women for society.

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