Tricks To Remove The Pacifier From The Child

The pacifier is an implement that sometimes helps the child to calm down in a tantrum; it also works as a sleep aid. In certain cases, the separation of the baby and this object is a complicated process.
Tricks to remove the pacifier from the child

Many mothers find it necessary to put into practice some tricks to remove the baby’s pacifier, since they fervently refuse to leave it on their own. Are you aware of which are the most traditional?

The use of this implement helps the little one to calm down in their moments of tantrum, in addition to stimulating their appetite and helping them to fall asleep. That is why, sometimes, it is difficult to exclude it permanently from the baby’s life.

However, months go by and the time comes to dispense with this valuable ally, since baby teeth begin to emerge and their constant use can deform them. You have to act fast and firmly in the task of separating the baby from the addictive pacifier.

The success of this mission lies entirely in the patience, level of persuasion and discipline of the parents. It will not be an easy job but, definitely,  using the right techniques the goal can be achieved without the child suffering excessively and, consequently, being even more irritable.

8 tricks to remove the pacifier from the child

The ideal age for the child to leave the pacifier is not defined. Some specialists suggest that its use can be restricted from 9 months.

What is expected, in general, is that the little one understands for himself that he no longer needs it.  If this does not happen naturally, we can try some tricks to achieve this separation.

1. Find the best time

To implement the pacifier-baby separation plan, choose a time when you have enough time to apply it properly. Surely, there will be days of extensive conversations and surveillance rounds to avoid any relapse in taking it again. Patience will be the key to success.

2. Open communication

When making the determination that it is time to give up the pacifier, it is best to communicate this to the child and not do so without him being aware of the separation he will face. A good idea is to tell him a story with a similar situation, so that he feels identified and accepts this change with a positive attitude.

These tricks to remove a baby's pacifier have worked for generations.

3. Special attention to possible crises

The pacifier is part of the daily life of babies. Those who are hooked on it grow up with that implement and do not leave it under any circumstances because it becomes part of their lives.

The idea of ​​separating them can lead to many tantrums; At such times, it is important not to give in. Surely, the child will cry and ask desperately, but you have to take courage and not succumb to their requests.

4. Find substitutes

Children generally seek the pacifier to calm down or relax. A good idea to promote the separation of the baby and this implement is to replace it with some other object, it could be a toy.

With this change, he is shown that he is older and that he deserves big boy things ; Thus, that implement that he wanted so much now will go to another plane, considering it as something ‘for babies’.

5. Donation

This idea is very practical. They talk to the child and tell him that, since he is old, it would be a good action to give the pacifier to a smaller boy. They are usually quick to accept this suggestion; others will think about it a bit, but in the end they give in just for the idea of ​​looking older.

6. Denture

The child can be explained how important it is to give up the pacifier in order to have healthy teeth when he is older. For this trick to be more effective, and depending on the age of the infant, it would be excellent to complement this initiative with a visit to the dentist who reaffirms the theory and points out the problems it will bring if the habit is continued.

7. Resort to the drastic

Noticing that the separation process becomes difficult and the infant is uncompromising in giving in, what remains is to take some drastic measures to finish successfully. A very popular trick is to make the pacifier less attractive to the child. For that, we can rip the nipple; thus, when you put it in your mouth, you will have an unpleasant sensation.

Excessive use of the pacifier can lead to tooth decay in the bottle.

8. Pacifier out of sight

Once the process is underway, the final touch is to disappear the object in question. You can make up several stories about it: that someone took it or that the pacifier has hidden because he is tired of being used, for example.

When the attachment to some objects is very intense, it is best to appeal to creativity and patience to end this relationship. These tricks to remove a baby’s pacifier have worked for generations and are sure to yield good results for a long time to come.

Ultimately, the important thing is to be aware that it will take time. There will be attitudes and moments difficult to control but, with a lot of patience, dedication and effort, the objective will be achieved.

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