Types Of Car Seats For Babies And Children

Types of car seats for babies and children

The safety of our baby is extremely important, and even more so when we need to  take him somewhere. There are many types of car seats; Therefore, before buying one, we will have to verify whether or not it fits what our child needs when traveling by car.

It is important to know that the car seat that we buy must have a series of necessary characteristics to be able to adapt to the weight of our baby. In addition, other factors such as age and height must also be taken into account before purchasing a new chair.

Statistics show that  a high number of children under the age of 12 are involved in car accidents.  A car seat that can provide security for our child will make us feel safer when taking him on a trip.

What is the best car seat for your baby?

There are several types of child car seats depending on weight, size and height:

Rear-facing car seats

These seats are located in the opposite direction of the car. They offer more protection for your baby’s head, neck and spine than other types of seat. These can be used up to 18 months of age and up to a weight of 13 kg.

There are many types of car seats, so it is good to know which one best suits your needs.

Forward-facing car seats 

These seats are the most common to carry the baby in the back of the car. The harness blocks the child’s movements and also prevents his body from moving abruptly in the event of an accident. These chairs are used by babies weighing 9 to 18 kg and from 9 months to 4 years.

Booster seats for children

Booster seats and cushions are used when the child is heavier. This seat allows the necessary elevation to be able to reach the seat belt. In addition, they are quite comfortable and offer greater protection for our child. These seats are for children weighing 15 to 36kg and between 3 and 12 years of age.

Children’s chair groups

Car seats can also be divided into groups that are selected depending on the age and weight of each child:

  • Group 0:  the important thing about this group is that the child does not exceed 13 kilos in weight. With regard to age, they can be used by children up to 4 years old. This type of chair is subdivided into carrycot or cuckoo,  where the baby travels lying down in a quite natural position. These chairs must always be installed facing the rear. In addition, it must not be installed in a seat that has a front airbag.
  • Group I: these chairs are suitable for children from 9 to 18 kilos. They are attached to the vehicle with the seat belt or with the new ISOFIX system, so that the child travels with a safety harness facing forward or backward. Although, orientation against the direction of travel is still recommended in this type of chair.
Road safety is the responsibility of parents
  • Group II:  the chairs in this group are used for children from 15 to 25 kilos. They have a cushion and a backrest that is easily placed on the vehicle seat, so that the belt passes the hips, sternum and clavicle of the child. These chairs correspond to the booster seats mentioned above.
  • Group III: these chairs are designed for children from 22 to 36 kilos. They consist of a cushion (sometimes with a backrest) that sits comfortably on the vehicle seat. It works the same as the previous group, it provides comfort to be able to put the seat belt on the child.

It is important to note that each group of seats is intended for a certain weight, that is why it is very important to buy the right car seat so that the baby can have a safe trip. In addition, you should verify which is the one that best suits your child taking into account their age.

Now that you know the different types of chairs that correspond to the weight and age of children, it is essential that you take a good look at these characteristics before buying one. Remember that the safety and well-being of your baby is essential when traveling.

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