Week 27 Of Pregnancy

This week marks the end of the second trimester. The belly is bigger and it is difficult to adapt to certain movements and postures, but the joy of the proximity of childbirth can be against everything.
Pregnancy week 27

During the 27th week of pregnancy, your body continues to undergo changes to better adapt to the size of the baby. The perception of the fetus on the outside is increasing. You can notice your moods more clearly.

His movements are clear and you can already identify if they come from his hands or his legs, or if they correspond to the hiccups he experiences. In fact, by looking at the clock you know when it is time for his break and when the kicking begins.

Among the most beautiful things that you have begun to identify is that your voice and your caresses manage to calm him when he is restless or upset. How wonderful is that unbreakable bond between mother and child!

Development of the baby in the 27th week of pregnancy

In the 27th week of pregnancy, your baby measures about 37 centimeters from head to heel and weighs just over 1,000 grams. It is about the size of a cauliflower. Therefore, it occupies almost the entire space of the uterus. You notice it, right?

This week, which is the last week of the second trimester, the baby looks almost the same as it will at birth, although it is still small and thin. The fat in your body accumulates to keep the temperature in your environment balanced and continue to act as the source of calories that you will use the first few days outside the belly.

Organ development

On the other hand, the 27th week of pregnancy is the stage when the internal organs finish forming. In general, the digestive and respiratory systems undergo rapid maturation. Although the lungs, liver and immune system continue their development process. If you go into preterm labor, your baby will have a 50% to 60% chance of survival.

Studies indicate that between this week and the previous one there was a progressive maturation of the auditory pathways that will extend until almost the first 2 years outside the womb. Vision is another of the senses that undergoes great changes. The retina, which is the part sensitive to light, has already developed a lot.

What are the symptoms during week 27?

In the 27th week of pregnancy, new sensations appear; some more positive than others. You feel bigger than usual and this can alter your movement in spaces. You must be more careful because the dimensions with which you relate to the environment have changed.

On the other hand, it will be normal for you to have difficulty breathing, which is because your lungs have less space to expand due to the growth of the uterus upwards. To reduce this symptom, try to take care of your posture and do not bend over too much.

These are other common symptoms in the 27th week of pregnancy:

  • Difficulty moving: as we said, your belly is bigger now than months ago. You can no longer do certain movements and that is to be expected. Bending over is difficult, as is turning while lying down. Remember that you should always try to be on your left side and not on the right, so as not to affect circulation.
  • Cravings Increase – Cravings come and go at different stages of pregnancy. It has been believed that they sought to satisfy the needs of the organism, however, studies indicate that this is a symbolic and cultural construction. So, although the idea is to enjoy everything that comes with pregnancy, it is best not to overdo it to avoid metabolic alterations, such as being overweight.
  • Muscle aches : pain in the back, in the pelvis and in the back of the thighs. Some respond to the internal accommodation of the baby and a little to the body preparing for delivery. The spine and hips make progressive changes to have more flexibility at the time of delivery. This is due to progesterone and relaxin, the two substances most linked to low back pain during pregnancy. As well as helping to prepare the body, they also affect the presence of musculoskeletal complaints.
  • Mood swings: these are frequent. You can quickly go from joy to sadness for no reason. All of this is normal and is a result of the hormonal process, the pain you experience, and the stress and anxiety associated with the changes.
  • Muscle cramps: they appear with great frequency in the legs and affect more severely at night. To avoid them, try standing up and walking for a few minutes. A good massage in the affected area will also help you.
  • Changes in the skin: in this week it is normal that you notice that some areas are much darker than in previous weeks. This is due to the concentration of melanin. It occurs frequently in the linea alba and on the nipples. You may also notice that the breasts present some stretch marks due to their more abrupt growth in recent times.

Tips and recommendations in the 27th week of pregnancy

Insomnia at this stage of pregnancy is common, but it should not be something that becomes normal. The number of times you have to get up to the bathroom, the concerns of your state and the discomfort to move while lying down influence this sleep disorder.

Still, the ideal is that you get a good night’s rest so that you can have a good quality of life. Take a lukewarm shower before sleeping, wear cotton clothing so you don’t get overheated, try to meditate to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as intrusive thoughts.

Do not neglect your diet

At this stage, many women are concerned about gaining weight. Studies indicate that a woman with a normal weight when she becomes pregnant should gain between 11 and 12 kilograms in total. Of these, only 3.5 kilograms correspond to the weight of the baby, the uterus and the amniotic fluid.

Eating a healthy diet positively impacts weight gain. In addition, as supported by research, your diet is the foundation on which the baby develops.

Therefore, it is important that your diet includes the following:

  • Proteins: essential for the growth of the baby, thanks to the amount of amino acids they provide.
  • Fats: perform important functions, such as the transport of vitamins. However, its consumption should not exceed 30% of the total caloric intake.
  • Carbohydrates: they must predominate in the diet, since they fulfill an energetic function related to muscular activity and heat. Prefer starches and fibers, while leaving out sugars.
  • Vitamins and minerals: it is important that you eat foods that provide iron, such as meat, and vitamin C, such as oranges.

Get ready for delivery!

That’s right, you are in the final stretch of your pregnancy. It is important that you make certain decisions about the delivery. One of them includes considering the umbilical condom blood bank, whose procedures will depend on the country and city where you are.

Also think about the possibility of reserving the room in which you want the baby to be born in advance. Talk to your doctor about your chances of having a natural or cesarean delivery, depending on your obstetric condition. Discuss the risks and benefits with your partner.

It is also time to start the antepartum course if you have not signed up for one yet. They are meetings with professionals and other pregnant women to clear up doubts and practice what will be the delivery, the puerperium and the initial upbringing of the baby. Its usefulness is proven and scientifically validated.

Frequently asked questions in week 27 of pregnancy

In the 27th week of pregnancy you have gotten used to some things and have understood their reason for being. However, many others are completely new and may raise questions.

1. I am getting milk from my breasts, is it normal?

Your breasts have increased in size. This is because the mammary glands prepare to feed your baby during breastfeeding.

It is normal if you identify that a liquid similar to milk is secreted from them. Most likely it is colostrum. This is an oily substance that helps keep your nipples from becoming dry and cracked now. Then, just after delivery, it will be the first food for the child, rich in immunoglobulins.

2. What is the risk of thrombosis?

Pregnancy is one of the risk factors for hypercoagulability. Therefore, thrombotic disorders could appear.

The normal thing is that your doctor has indicated the routine check-ups that allow to establish how much risk you have of presenting these problems. Most pregnant women don’t really have to worry about it.

Yes, more attention should be paid in the following cases:

  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Age over 35 years.
  • Previous tobacco use.
  • Obesity and varicose veins.
  • Own or family history of thrombi.
  • Diagnosis of thrombophilia.

Pregnancy week 27: the end of the second trimester

With the 27th week of pregnancy, the second trimester of your pregnancy ends. If you do a count from the first day you learned about your condition, so far a lot has changed.

At this stage it is essential that you take care of your mental health. Try to relax and, as far as possible, do not give up physical activity. Enjoy the loving moments that your partner and your family give you.

28 weeks pregnancy

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