What Do Animated Movies Teach Your Children?

What do animated movies teach your children?

Animated movies are a teaching alternative. In addition to being fun and super colorful, elements that unfailingly capture the attention of children, they have the advantage that they speak to them in the same language. These attributes help your children learn important values ​​such as solidarity, friendship and the importance of cultivating love as a family.

Movies and television are definitely an alternative to teach concepts, rules and ways of proceeding to your children. Through their favorite heroes they can learn certain attitudes, although it is undoubtedly essential that you accompany them to see them, since your regulatory role is always necessary. Remember that animated movies have a lot of information and sometimes your children do not have the necessary maturity to assimilate it in its entirety.

However, there are more positive than negative aspects that you can take advantage of from animated films as a tool to instill values ​​in them. One of the key elements of these types of movies is that most of them focus on showing and developing feelings, which is very positive for fueling their emotional intelligence.


Animated Movies Help Your Children Know Their Emotions

It is almost certain that your children will feel sad when the protagonist is injured and it is also normal that they feel happy when they catch the villain. And it is good that this happens, it happens to all of us and it is called empathy.

This type of works that invite children to feel and identify what they feel, and the more knowledge and mastery they have over them, they will appropriate more tools to solve problems and develop in a balanced way. Try to look at the faces of your children when they are watching an animated movie and you will notice how they smile or get scared when you see what happens in the plot, this happens thanks to the exaggeration of the features of the characters, who help the child to reinforce your feelings.

Through their characters and stories, animated films show values ​​such as the importance of mutual respect, honesty, friendship, solidarity, and accepting those who are different from us. More and more this type of works works with complex concepts such as loss, hope, positivism and coexistence.

In addition, watching animated movies as a family opens up the opportunity to talk with your children in an open way, since sharing the story encourages the exchange of ideas and feelings that it generated for us. In addition, some of the scenes can serve as an example for when you want to solve or explain something at home.

Watch family movies

Enjoying good cinema enhances children’s creativity

In general, animated films represent the interests, needs and circumstances that exist in our society. It is true that many of these films are full of large doses of fiction, of many imaginative elements, but leaving that aside, most of these works are also loaded with historical data, aspects that appeal to morality and humor.

Feeding imagination and fantasy are two basic functions of this type of film, which also actively collaborates in the development of personal and social skills, because they help children to reflect on the world around them. This type of film also opens up the possibility for children to reflect on their character, because generally they tend to identify with one of the characters, especially with the protagonist.

All this learning is digested by the child in a simple way, since it receives information through a playful and pleasant speech. In addition to indirectly teaching values, animated films foster children’s creative imaginations and strengthen aspects such as color learning and language development.

Yes, a movie can also help your children develop their language. He does it through the songs and phrases that his characters repeat. In fact, there are studies that show that while your children are watching the screen, they receive lessons related to the structure and linguistic composition of their language : new vocabulary, formation of phrases and typical expressions.

Just as there are also films that show countervalues, there are some that make children feel so identified with a certain character that they end up falling prey to marketing strategies. Try to help your children in that aspect and to control their fondness for something. It is not bad that they are attracted to a particular character, but in that aspect, balance is also necessary.

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