What Does The Color Of Your Period Indicate?

What does the color of your period indicate?

Menstruation is something so everyday in a woman’s life that it can go unnoticed. Although it is necessary to pay close attention to hygiene and other external aspects, we do not focus on what is most important.

The color of your period can reveal many things about the body and female health. However, it is not something that most pay much attention to. It is normal that we look at the amount of flow or that we have an estimated precise date in each cycle. Despite this care, other important details are probably pending.

Bleeding is more important than women think. The main changes in this regard are easy to determine. Without a doubt, we will pay attention to the first different element. However, sometimes it is not a cause for alarm, which is why it is best to be informed.

 Main signs in the color of your period


As we have said, not all changes have a serious problem. Each woman is different, her diet and lifestyle can affect the characteristics of her cycle. Similarly, sometimes these variations are due to more or less normal factors.

Based on the color of your period, this is what you need to know.

Pink colour

If the woman has pink bleeding, it may be a weak day on her period. This happens when little blood is lost. However, if this color persists throughout the menstruation, throughout the normal period, it may have another cause. It is very likely that you are in the presence of an early pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations or a disease.

Bright red

Bright red blood is almost always a good sign. When it turns out this way, a woman can sense that her period is normal. It’s supposed to be like that with about a week. However, when it lasts more than eight days and the blood is still this color, then she should consult her gynecologist.

 Dark with lumps

The intense days in each woman’s periods, it can be very normal to present a very dark color with lumps. It is frequent mainly after the first day of menstruation.

However, if this continues after several days it may be that you are showing a sign of an early miscarriage. This situation could even reveal the presence of a benign tumor, often cysts.

Orange red color

Orange-red color during menstruation can be a sign of infection. In this case the blood usually has a very unpleasant smell. If so, the woman should see her gynecologist.

Dark brown color

If the color of the blood is dark brown at first glance, there is nothing to worry about. It can be the old blood from the last menstruation or the beginning of the new one. Usually this is completely normal in menstruation. Only when this dark brown is mixed with orange or yellow can it be considered a symptom of infection.

If the blood lasts more than a day with this color, it can be a sign of a strong blood flow. In this case, it may be a spill, which probably needs special treatment.

Other unusual characteristics of your period


In addition to variations in the color of the bleeding, some other changes may occur that cause our alert.

Not all the time we have the happiness of presenting a regular period and without eventualities. Sometimes certain details could cause us concern. What do these changes mean? We explain to you what the following circumstances are due to.

Heavy bleeding

Generally, most women have a heavy flow of blood during their period days. It is important to know that each woman presents differently. These heavy bleeding days usually occur in the middle of your period.

This situation could be totally normal, which has to do with each organism. In this regard, if the woman has three or more days of heavy bleeding, it is possible that she is losing too much blood. You will need to visit the gynecologist for advice. Also when this is unusual, for example in women whose bleeding is usually light.


These small amounts of blood that women normally call staining, usually occur when they least expect it. This can be a sign of an imbalance in hormones. In the same way, it can happen in case of an early pregnancy.

Period absence

If the woman has not had her period and this has happened repeatedly, it is advisable to go immediately to the treating doctor.

This could have many explanations, one could be a possible pregnancy, and the other could be the arrival of menopause. However, it can also be a change in weight, a traumatic experience, or some illness.

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