What Is Infant Acne?

What is infant acne?

In the first or second month of life of our little ones, small buds usually appear on their faces that scare us a lot. We immediately imagine that it is an allergy or a reaction to some foreign element, but the good news is that, generally, it is a phenomenon called infant acne.

These white or yellowish pustules commonly appear in the area of ​​the nose, cheeks, forehead, back and chin . We always associate the baby’s face as soft as cotton, but when these pimples appear, we worry a lot and ask ourselves: how do they heal? What happens if I try to remove them? Will there be any marks left? Will it bother or sting you?

Infant acne occurs in 40% of newborns

Especially in children who are exclusively breastfed , we believe that we are the cause of the problem , that we are eating something that is hurting them or that we should not continue to breastfeed them. In these cases, the first thing we have to do is stop doubting that maternal sap because it is perfect for your little one.

Neonatal acne, as it is also known, occurs in 40% of newborns . This happens for a simple reason: the accumulation of fat that gets trapped in the pores. In this way, with a simple explanation, we can go without worrying and thinking of possible alternatives to help them solve this problem.

Infant acne under the magnifying glass

Sometimes, the little babies when they come out of mom’s tummy already have several pimples surrounded by reddish skin , that is, it is very similar to the one that appears in adolescence. These are usually more visible if they are upset, they are hot, if they are irritated by saliva, with rough clothes or washed with strong detergents or regurgitated milk.

If accompanied by other injuries, it may be eczema or cradle cap

However, It is important to clarify that if you are born with these harmless lesions on your face and they disappeared after a few days, it was miliary acne . But, if it is accompanied by rashes or peeling elsewhere on the body, it could be other conditions such as eczema  or cradle cap.

What originates it?

Up to now, there is no precise answer that tells us what the true origin of this skin phenomenon is . For many, many years, experts have said that the acne  neonatal is due to the transfer of hormones  from the mother to her little angel, which occurs at the end of the gestation stage.

Nevertheless, Several groups of specialists have tried to analyze the influence of other factors on this problem, but have not been able to reach an accurate conclusion. . Some insist that the intake of certain medications, either by the baby or by the mother, influence its appearance.

Infant acne clears up within weeks without any special treatment

These pimples will only last a few weeks, although there is a chance that they will reappear. Of course, If it does not improve in a couple of months, consult your trusted pediatrician for guidance in this situation .

And in the meantime, what do we do?

To improve the condition of your child’s skin, you will need to take into account these recommendations on what you should and should not do:

  • Avoid special remedies without prior medical consultation .
  • Do not apply any ointment, cream or oil  in the affected areas, as it may get worse.
  • Do not try to stimulate the area with a deep cleaning, as it will be irritated .
  • Washing your skin with cool water and a mild soap will suffice.
  • Dry him very gently and lovingly .
  • Do not worry about this issue, because these rashes do not bother him, nor do they itch. So be very patient that this will disappear, little by little.

    After 6 months

    The manifestations of this condition after six months attract more attention from experts. Usually, it is a sign that you will suffer it again in the adolescence .

    Childhood acne should be treated with drugs recommended by a doctor and, above all, do not try to remove them as they run the risk of infection .

    The care of these special beings that came to magnify life is our responsibility. Therefore, we must put our whole heart to help them and seek professional advice when necessary. They deserve all our love because they gave us the honor of becoming parents.

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