What To Do If My Baby Gets Scratched?

It is an extremely common concern among mothers of newborn babies. Beyond being superficial, many times wounds can become infected and that worries moms. How can we act in the face of this?
What to do if my baby scratches itself?

One of the most common consultations in the pediatrician has to do with scratches, mainly on the face. Questions such as ‘What do I do if my baby scratches itself?’ they are a matter of every day. In this article we will tell you how you can act in this regard.

My baby scratches: is it normal?

Don’t worry, this behavior is not bad or serious. A baby – especially a newborn – has too thin and sharp nails, so it is normal that, while sleeping or with some movement, it ends up scratching its face.

If we add to that the fact that the skin of children is very sensitive and delicate, it is understandable that it leaves deeper marks than an ‘accident’ might seem.

One of the many concerns of mothers with babies of a few weeks has to do with the consequences or consequences of such scratches. More precisely, they want to know if they will have scars.

Although they may appear thick and take time to heal, rest assured that these marks are superficial and that once they heal, they will no longer be noticeable.

What do I do if my baby scratches itself?

Beyond not being a cause for concern or anything like that, you certainly want to prevent your baby from scratching his or her face while sleeping. Some parents choose to wear cotton gloves or mittens; Another option is to buy clothes that already include an extension on the sleeves.

However, the downside of these alternatives is that, first of all, it is uncomfortable for the child; second, they would only work for winter. If it is hot, in addition to bothering you, it can generate perspiration and even fungus due to the lack of air on the skin of the hands.

Some babies suffer when their nails need to be cut.

On the other hand, another resource for children under two months would be to wrap them in a thin blanket when they sleep,  as if giving a ‘self hug’. However, it is not something very comfortable either and it can even be dangerous for your health.

Consider the following: you would not want to be ‘tied up’ or put on gloves when you want to move freely. Therefore, do not do the same with your baby, at least in certain moments when his hands are vital, such as while he is in contact with your breast when feeding.

There are also mothers who trim babies’ nails so they don’t scratch. It is very important that, if you do, you have the supervision of an expert – such as a pediatrician. Keep in mind that a bad cut can make your nails even sharper, leading to an infection, or even a wound.

Special nail clippers are sold in stores for babies; They have what is called a blunt point — blunt — but they also require a certain technique to manipulate them and avoid problems. If you don’t dare, you can always run a soft file over your nails to prevent sharp tips, which are what cause scratches.

Scratch Injuries: How to Heal Wounds?

As a first measure, if your baby scratches himself a lot more often than you cut or file his nails, you will have to wash his hands and face very well with warm water and mild soap — fragrance-free.

In this way, you will prevent the cuts from being infected due to some microorganism that is lodged in the nails. In addition, you will hydrate the skin so that the scratches are not so severe and heal faster.

However, no matter how much we care for and protect our children, they can always get hurt and scratched. If for any reason that wound becomes infected, we must act as soon as possible. Some tips for these cases:

1. Wash with water and mild soap

Newborn babies are very delicate; Any perfume or fragrance is harmful to your health.  To wash a wound and disinfect it, it is always better to use neutral soaps and warm water.

Parents must have certain tricks to cut children's nails.

2. Reduce bleeding

Sometimes the scratches are so deep that they cause bleeding. Don’t get nervous or worry; Clean the area and then apply gauze to stop the bleeding. Keep in mind that there are some areas of the face that are more prone to bleeding, but this is not serious anyway.

As long as the pediatrician deems it necessary and the scratch was ‘consideration’, then you can put a small bandage or plaster on it. The materials must be hypoallergenic and must not be left for many hours;  it is better for the wound to ‘breathe’ and heal itself. Finally, you do not need to put a cream or anything like that.

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