What To Do If You Can’t Sleep Well During Pregnancy?

Putting mobile devices away at least a couple of hours before going to bed is a great help to fall asleep and get a good rest.
What to do if you cannot sleep well during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women may find that they sleep differently than they did before they became pregnant. It is normal. It is a stage in which the woman’s body undergoes great physical and emotional changes and all this can cause quality sleep to be seriously impaired. The problem is that not sleeping well will only cause even more fatigue and lack of energy for the expectant mother. 

Therefore, if you are pregnant and you begin to realize that nights are heavy because you wake up a lot, you have to get up to pee or you simply cannot sleep because you suffer from insomnia … Do not worry, because you can follow some tips so that the nights are different and you can sleep better from now on, but how to achieve it?

Tips for a good night’s sleep during pregnancy

1. Darkness

Resting in a dark room is ideal, although it is true that many people do not find it something appetizing. In these cases, it is best to reduce light sources to a minimum, so as not to offer stimuli to the body that make it stay awake. 

Some women simply choose to wear sleep masks so they don’t have to darken the bedroom with thick, heavy curtains while trying to fall asleep.

On the other hand, it is convenient to set aside electronic devices ( tablets , mobile phones, computers and the like), to avoid vamping. What’s more, this is the ideal time to do a digital detox .

sleep during pregnancy

2. Pay attention to the temperature

In summer you can be too hot and in winter too cold. It is very important that during your pregnancy, the bedroom where you go to sleep has a comfortable temperature so that you can rest without problems.

You can buy an indoor thermometer to place inside the room to monitor the temperature. and regulate it accordingly so that it is not too cold or too hot. If you experience hot flashes during pregnancy, you should make sure that the temperature in your room is ideal to optimize a good rest.

3. Take advantage of some white noise

White noise is highly recommended to combat insomnia problems and get a good rest in general. Helps to relax the body and mind progressively.

4. Turn off the television an hour before

Although many people are able to fall asleep with the television on, others are not. In case you belong to the second group, try to turn off the television an hour before going to sleep, at least. This will help you fall asleep in less time and rest better. Consider it one more ritual in your sleep routine.

Speaking of rituals, devise a whole relaxation strategy : eat at least two hours before going to bed, take a leisurely bath with warm water, write in your personal journal or do a simple activity that invites you to let go of your body and prepare for to rest.

sleep during pregnancy

5. Find the best sleeping posture

In pregnancy it is not easy to find a good sleeping posture, but it is not impossible either. You will have to take your time to find the one that works best for you. One of the most recommended is on the side, with the knees slightly bent.

Sleeping on the left side improves blood circulation and relieves pressure on the inferior vena cava and liver. Pillows help improve sleep and can be used to support your belly, head, and lower back when you place them between your legs.

just relax

Take your time to relax both your mind and your body. You can do breathing exercises, listen to relaxing music, talk with your partner in bed, do quiet hobbies … Find a time for yourself, to find your moment of calm before getting into bed, this will help you feel calmer and have more chances of getting a good rest.

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