When Is It Too Late To Get Pregnant?

When is it too late to get pregnant?

Few elderly women can conceive a baby naturally without the help of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). Women who go through menopause later have a lower risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and dementia.

Having a late menopause, does it mean that it is a good idea to get pregnant later in life?  Are there other risks and complications associated with pregnancy and childbirth after age 40?

The influence of age

The reproductive capacity of a woman has a finite life span. A woman’s eggs initially grow when she is in her mother’s womb and are stored inside her ovaries until she begins to menstruate.

Each month, more than 400 eggs are lost through attrition until the 4 million they originally had at birth are used up. When this happens, menopause begins.

Financial and social pressures cause many women who want children to put it off later in life.

Growing professionally or having a better economic time is what usually makes women want to wait to increase the family.  About 1 in 1,000 born to women aged 45 and over.

The risks of having a baby late

Women who are over 30 years old are twice as likely to have pre-eclampsia during pregnancy than pregnant women who are under 30 years old.

In addition, also, a pregnant woman over 30 years of age will be more likely to suffer from gestational diabetes than those women who become pregnant at a younger age.

More than half of women over 40 may need a cesarean section for the baby to be born. Increasing maternal age increases the risk of problems during childbirth.

Mothers in their 40s and 50s are also 3 to 6 times more likely to have health problems (such as heavy bleeding) in the six weeks after the baby is born.

In addition, pregnant women who are over 40 years of age may be more likely to have their babies have problems in the womb or even to have stillbirth. The risk of miscarriage in women over 40 is also higher.

But even if these probabilities exist, there are also mothers in their 40s who give birth to wonderful and totally healthy babies. 

It is also worth noting that babies born to mothers over 40 are twice as likely to be born prematurely (before 36 weeks gestation) and also to be born underweight.

Both being born prematurely and low birth weight have immediate risks for babies and also later problems with lung development, diabetes or obesity in adult life.

Until when is it safe to get pregnant?

Although there is no specific age limit for IVF treatment, many clinics decide to stop treatment at age 50. At 30, the chance of conceiving naturally (without IVF) is about 20%.

At age 40 it is around 5% and this decreases over the course of each decade. There is no specific age but some factors must be taken into account.

There are studies that show how the risks for the baby and the mother during pregnancy are lower in the 20s. At this age there is less probability of suffering from obesity and diabetes, which negatively influence pregnancy for health.

As a woman ages, her egg quality also decreases. Poor quality is directly associated with genetic errors such as miscarriage and birth defects.

It’s a personal decision

Being a mother sooner or later is a personal decision that people must consider for the good of themselves and the family they want to create.

Thanks to advances in the IVF industry, it is possible for a menopausal woman to become pregnant, although this has great risks. Pregnancy in women after menopause can increase the chances of developing a cerebrovascular problem in the future.

For all this, there is no age limit to be a mother, but it is necessary to bear in mind the possible complications that may exist so that the health of the mother or the baby is not put at risk.

Think carefully about your current situation and if you really want to be a mother now or later. If you need guidance, do not hesitate to go to your doctor to ask the questions you want.

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